(no subject)

Aug 27, 2005 18:32

Describe yourself using one band and song titles from that band

Created by naw5689 and taken 33949 times on Bzoink
Choose a band/artist and answer only in song TITLES by that band:AerosmithAre you male or female:My GirlDescribe yourself:CombinationHow do some people feel about you:Beyond Beautiful, lolHow do you feel about yourself:AmazingDescribe your ex girlfriend/boyfriend:Hearts Done TimeDescribe your current girlfriend/boyfriend:Crazy =DDescribe where you want to be:HollywoodDescribe what you want to be:SunshineDescribe how you live:Livin' on the EdgeDescribe how you love:Smokestack Lightning/Scream in PainShare a few words of wisdomFalling in Love (is hard on your knees)
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