*snipped from UKP* And you think you have troubles..

Dec 03, 2008 02:54

I thought the last couple of days which I've had (which I will go into shortly) were stressfull and then I get a phone call from my best friend and suddenly everything I have been through seems put into perspective.

I dont want to go into too much detail as its quite a sensitve matter and I have confided in only Hoggy (my OH), as he is as much his friend as I and another friend to ask some advice. Suffice to say that his entire family have had a bit of a shock and are reeling emotionally and in a situation that I personally wouldn't know how to cope with. I've got to say the world cant half throw some curveballs.

I do wonder what sort of a friend I am in times like these. I'm the sort of person who, when faced with a problem, attacks it head on. Somtimes I dont stop to think, or rather, sometimes I dont consider if there are alternatives. I feel, as I go through life that its acceptable to have some casulaties when it comes to friends.
Maybe thatt terrible of me. I have to say in this situation I have no intention of severing my friendship, quite the opposite, but my way to assist is to launch actively in to helping. Maybe I should stop once in a while just to give a hug and an ear.. I find that very hard sometimes.


Sunday night I'm just finishing the quiz and I get a phone call to my mobile. I look at it and notice it's my gran. "This, I think.. can not be good." She never rings me that late, she goes to bed about seven. So, I pick up the phone; It turns out that she thinks its 10am. She wants to know why Im not there to take her to the hairdressers, and refuses point blank to accpet that its actually 10pm.
Urrgghh... I pointed out it was dark outside and she told me thats because it's winter and I told her I would be there in the morning. Eventually I managed to distract her into talking about something else and when she finally hung up I had persuaded her I was going to bed and she should do the same thing. Thankfully she finished up by saying she was tired now and off to bed
She must have dozed off in front of the fire and woke and seen the clock. Oh well... but that one is not nearly as good as the magic carpet!

I get to her house on Tuesday to see her before bed time, sort out her tea and dole out meds
Its about 5pm and after making her a sandwich and cuppa, she's in chatty, if very doddery form.

So she tells me that she has a new mat.. you know like a rug? And I'm looking at the one in the living room and thinking... "looks like the same one to me, but ok... I'm not gonna rock the boat"
and I'm just about to compliment it when she goes out of the room and returns with a mat. Rolled up. Its new.

"look!" she squeeks! "Isn't it nice... only cost me £8!"

And I'm looking at it and thinking.. "that never cost £8 and where the hell did you get it!?"

So I ask her where she got it and she tells me two men came to the door selling mats and she bought it. Now... thats not beyond the realms of posibility, I know that. But. We (the family) know all my grans neighbours and we asked them, had someone called round on tuesday selling mats. You see many of them like my gran are pretty much house bound and not one of them saw anyone in the little culdesac selling anything.

The following morning my mum tries to find out more especially considering that the mat cant have been bought for only £8. Its too good. Now gran tells her she went down and bought it in the shop. But the local is a small co-op that sells groceries.
So we're baffled.

Monday night.. wow. I started work on monday night at 6pm. I worked till 8 when I had to go and collect something from a friends so logged off to take my evening break. On my way home I witnessed an accident.
Monday was a frosty, icy night and I was driving with real caution. When I got out of my car at my friends I slipped on ice and nearly went on my hoop.. so it wasnt a night for speeding.

As I came down the Crumlin road, ( a long straight, slightly downhill road into the city, usually busy with a hopital on it and people parking at the side of the road)
I had a motor bike in front of me. We were stopped at some traffic lights. Traffic could come from the left or right, but none came whille we were there. Anyway, when the lights turned for us, the bike moved off, in fairness to him, when it was green, he didn't sneak on amber
and out of one of the side streets a car t-boned him. If you can t-bone a bike? He hit him directly on the side, the guy came off the bike, bounced on the windscreen of the car and shot over it and landed at the rear of the car
I pulled over immediately and grabbed my phone and rang for an ambulance and went over to the bike guy. The driver pulled his car over and got out. The police seemed to be there in a matter of minutes and my OH tells me thats cause the cop shop is on the corner of that street, so they probably saw the accident! The rider seemed stunned, unsurprisingly, was having a problem with the his leg and the police man who looked at him before the ambulance arrived thought it was broken. So, the police now have my details, and I'm going to have to give a statement and I'm afraid it aint gonna be good for the guy in the car.
The guy was definiately speeding. The street he came out of was quite small, traveling down it at the speed he came out of it would have been very stupid and he ran a light!

So... yeah... good week so far and its only Tuesday!
And I have this to say if the world is going to try and throw any more shite my way...


I'll be going down fighting!
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