Jan 20, 2005 22:00
Not too much happened today. I went to Parker to get someone to fill out a reference form for me, and I also returned some library books.
Amber had a half day because of finals. So she and I watched some anime movies, I will admit that the weren't too bad. Although they're nothing I would ever watch on my own, lol.
My mom and I finally went to Panera today. We went for dinner, and spent over an hour there just talking. I got the official "yes" from her for my Niagara trip, she says I can definitely go!! I asked about what Dad thinks, and she said that I am 18 and if I want to take a trip then I can. She thinks that I am an extremely mature and responsible young adult. So I was really glad to hear that from her.
Other than that, not too much happened today. School starts soon, and I still need to figure out what I'm gonna bring back with me.
Oh yeah, I am really excited because I am going to an EMS conference on February 12. It should be a lot of fun, and I might be staying at the Radisson for a night too!! I cant wait!
Random thought of the day: A 17 pound baby boy was born in Brazil on Wednesday. Wow.