(no subject)

May 20, 2010 03:14

june 25 2008 - may 20 2010

almost a full two years have gone by since i last wrote. "so im considering myself on a hiatus from those who are holding me back" was one of the last things i've written. funny considering i'm saying similar things these days as well. i've gotten much better at cutting ties with people who aren't worth my time/energy and i've become more aware of myself and my mind.

i've met the best of friends in the world and i've ended it with the not-so-best but it's never the end of the world-its only another beginning. and with these cut ties, i've realized how much i've learned over the past few years. i've really found myself and it's really almost too moving to talk about.. i graduated college. i'm officially moving onto to the next plateau in life. it's scary and exciting. with each day i know less and less where i will be in the future. it's a funny feeling-graduating.. ugh it's been a long four years. but the last one flew right on by as it got harder for me with each new semester.

i absolutely love my family and all that they do for me. they've always been there for me from the start and i couldn't ask for a better life.

i'm living in my home with my parents again until i save up money and find a place and then a car. i got a job at dad's work in maywood but in the art department doing catalog work and assisting the head designers. i already enjoy working with those guys. it's going to be an interesting and epic summer. forewarning.

i couldn't be happier at this moment in my life. i'm learning to enjoy every second of every day regardless of anything negative that may come your way.

much love.
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