Oct 16, 2004 21:03
i had the worst day today :(
i dont think ive cried more in one day more than i did today... first of all stef said somthin to matt or sumthin and he took it the complete opposite.. and i dunno.. it was just a really big missunderstanding.. but so like all night and this morning sucked... and i was crying then... then later this morning my dad wakes me up to tell me that my cat died last night... i was in tears again.. and then he made me go out to see him and i really didnt want to.. i was already upset enough! and then i went to pet him and he was ice cold.. and i completely broke down!! so after all that, i ended up going out to lunch with max and katie, and then we walked to the church. and on our way we witnessed a motercycle crash!!! there was a little boy and his father, and they both went flying and rolled all over the road! omg i was shaking soo bad! and i had to call 911, ive never ever done that b4.... i was in tears, and the police were talking to us and stuf and the fucker cracks a joke about this other woman that flew into a semi. in the keys in a motorcycl crash! i was like fuck u! u heartless bastard! omg i was soo mad... but then i had to go to church and work at a dinner... and it ended at like 8 30, so we were all gunna go to matts house, and i even had a ride home! but no! i had to come home!
i seriously wanted to die today it was just all fucked up..