Mar 16, 2008 14:00
I finally know what I want out of life and how to get it.
I'm going to get nowhere by being shy and submissive. It's time to take control of my life.
Think about it. I can sing decently. Better than some of the artists around now. I can write lyrics that fit to music and sound alright.
I know how to make a recording desk work. I know how to make people in the booths do what I say.
I'm friendly, I'm pretty smart, I'm loving and affectionate. I've realised that I don't need a man to make me happy. I just need myself and my music and my diary.
My poetry is what's important right now. So what if it's not good? I like it and it's part of me. I'm giving up on Pip. And I'm not sure if it hurts yet or not.
I mean, I still like him yeah, but he's an egotistical cunt and I should hate him.
I want to buy a van, finish my courses and just go. I'm sick to the teeth of reading about these revolutionaries and artists what travel and become famous - I want to be part of that group.
People are saying that I'm being ridiculous, but the way I see it is I should be living by experience, not by stories. So what if I want to get famous then piss it all away on drugs? Fuck it; I want to see what the top of the glass and the bottom of the bottle feel like. I don't want to get old and have a family and a home. I want to have a fast, poetically tragic life.
Is that cliche?
Nikki xx