All the TV managed to catch up with my dreams. I really should have written everything down when I woke up rather than now, just before I head back to bed.
There was a dream with Jay-Z. We were going to jam but my nails were too long to play the guitar, so I just bit those suckers down to size. But before we could get to making any music happen we had to go for a drive somewhere, which was fraught with danger - considering how bad my eyes are! But we wound up at some secretive place where, uh, stuff happened. I can't recall all the stuff... I think there was dancing and some other random stuff.
Then, as I was going to leave, Blake Lively started talking to me, but she said something that was just a little bit off, it didn't quite make sense and it allowed me to figure something out: my entire life was a lie. The universe I thought I lived in was not how reality actually worked, it was just a reality that had been presented to me by outside, meddling, forces. Suddenly concepts of time and space were more tangible and were able to be manipulated. As I moved through a room in this new universe I saw a young girl and realised it was my mother. My mind was filling with incredible thoughts and realisations, epiphanies followed one after another as solid walls melted into corridors I could travel down...
... and I woke up before I really got to understand the secrets of the universe in a more meaningful way. But for a while there I was in a place and it was beyond bliss.
Trippy as fuck.
I've forgotten many of the details, but while I was still in bed I was able to tie many of the happenings, people and themes of the dream to all the TV I'm watching. Largely Gossip Girl. Perhaps that's why I recall Blake Lively. Oh, but I have absolutely no idea why Jay-Z was around at the start.
This thing with UEFA going after the Man City fans has to be about the most stupid thing I've ever heard. Really, really. I can't even. I can't even so much that I want to watch Laina videos so I have some company to can't even with.