Got a letter saying there was no evidence in my DLA file, but we're free to submit more. All the DLA stuff is so long ago and I don't remember what was submitted back then - I guess no written crap from Nicky and/or doctors and/or any psychiatrist I was seeing at the time, if any. This time I guess we're going to include the letter from a couple of years back.
It's annoying. While I'm still not particularly worried about ultimately getting a favourable decision, it's all the hassle. And that's funny, because that's literally why I need PIP!
Didn't watch any films today - I piddled around on Reddit a bit while Quin69's stream was playing in the background. I don't quite know what to make of his stream at times... I guess I enjoy watching some streamers push GRs, and he's one of those guys. And I guess it might be worth tuning in to his stream for his end-of-year whatever.
I've been winding down my day with some toast and catching up some Day9 Decktaculars as I write this. The couple of hours before that I was playing some Grim Dawn. I decided to stick with the shaman. I've reached that point at the tail end of Act 2 where squishiness really kicks in and it seems the only solution is to just power through it and wait for better gear...
... which doesn't really happen until a bit into the end-game and reputation grinds. I'll get there. I had an "okay" time because I think I'd rather be a little more progressed than doing the levelling up / repping up thing again.
I probably spent a larger amount of time in SWTOR. I didn't actually *do* anything, but I was logged in for quite some time.
I watched all the cinematics because, you know, they're incredible!
I spent a while setting up some options and dealing with the stupid mouse rotation thing. And while keybindings are kept server side, it looks like I'll have to remake a cool healer UI if I want one. I guess I'm not going to worry about that for now, but maybe I'll make a generic DPS UI.
I deleted a couple of level one characters and made a Togruta Jedi Knight. I think I'm going to level it up before the new expansion. I didn't start tonight because I wanted a moment to think about things like gearing, basically want to figure out if I want the hassle of difficulty or the hassle of keeping armorings and mods up to date. I think I'm going to go for the latter. And, sadly, I think I'll have to use the Ewok companion until I get Doc - that's one thing that's going to be way more awesome about KotFE levelling - first companion = healer!
I looked at my bank alt, and my shared cargo. It's all choc-a-block. If I could be bothered to sort it out and sell things... I'd be rich. I checked for Ghostly Magus stuff... there's almost none and it's super expensive. I think I have a few pieces unbound... I should probably just sell them now and hope the outfit goes back on the Cartel Market.
So... tomorrow. Do I have a plan? I think so.
1. Make a basic DPS UI.
2. Figure out a cheap, cool outfit for a Jedi Knight.
3. Craft a bunch of random stuff with random mats I have lying around (ears, implants, hilts).
4. Play Jedi Knight.
What'm I going to do about music? This is always an issue in SWTOR, and here's why.
1. The default soundtrack doesn't loop enough, which makes the long journeys on places like Tatooine and Belsavis even more dull than they need to be. BUT the music ramps up fantastically during epic moments.
2. Playing the complete soundtrack via something like Youtube works quite well the majority of the time but, of course, it won't ramp up on demand! At the very least, it often helps maintain a good Star Wars feel.
3. Playing mp3s like Abba and The Fugees is much better for journeys, but it doesn't really help the narrative for all the story content - which is what I'll be doing. People singing also gets in the way of all the voice acting if the volume is too loud.
I think I'll start with option 1 and see how it goes. I'll go to 2 if I can't deal with it. It's not like I'm doomed to this for days, mind you, levelling up should be pretty fast. And all I'm doing is completing the first three acts - I might not make it to level 50, even. I'm going to have this same music debate when it comes to KotFE. IMO it's actually a notable QOL issue with the game!
What'm I going to do about the UI. I should probably sketch something, or try to dig up some year-old thoughts on UI issues in this game.
I guess the biggest issue is right clicking. It's bound to the first button of the primary action bar. The only way to stop it doing anything is to bind some really bizarre/useless/unusable crap to it. It's not even acceptable to keep it empty because learning new pets of vehicles fills that spot. And the primary action bar is "needed" for stealth/cover classes, so it's also no use to just attempt to forget the bar for all time (also the lock button feature is connected to it).
Well, is my old healer UI.
I'm sure I'll recreate something a lot like that if/when I get to healing, but it's just useless as a generic UI, for DPS or healing. I suppose I'll just make something nicer than the default but not remotely optimal for end-game - I'll save that for if/when I get there. I'll just want to make something that I'll be happy looking at for a long time on my KotFE Bounty Hunter while I'm getting back up to speed with the game for real.
I'm going to stop writing because I've written a load, while being endlessly distracted by Day9, umpteen things Googled, etc.
And Day9 is about to talk about something interesting. Games striving to eliminate button presses (macros, general efficiency, whatever) but that things like rhythm games essentially becoming *more* enjoyable by adding buttons presses.
Is this loosely connected to my ramble from a little bit ago, about the fact that games need to have some shitty mechanics, that's what gives them some grit?