I Think I've Come to a Decision

Jun 30, 2009 13:17

[mood |
[music | "Not Gonna Put on the Monkey Suit (Demo)" - Harry and the Potters]

So I pretty much fail at updating, but, lately, it's had more to do with the fic exchanges that I'm writing for more than anything. Hopefully, updates should be more forthcoming from now on.

Oh, and remember how I mentioned the HP RPG in my previous entry? Well, I think I'm going to apply for it. Ginny and Blaise are already taken (the person who created the Blaise journal named the account "blaisezambini". That better be because "blaisezabini" was already taken, otherwise there will be some rage on my part. Just sayin'. You don't mess with Blaise; especially with the way I write him), so I'm going to apply for Pansy and Tracey Davis. I can write Slytherins and I have more creative freedom because not a lot is known about them, especially Tracey.

The RPG's premise is supposed to be that instead of Harry, Neville's the Chosen One and it takes place during the GoF timeline, so Pansy and Tracey are about 14-15.

I already started writing Pansy's profile and, I have to admit, I'm so used to writing the characters outside of Hogwarts that it's rather hard to write them at that young of an age. If anyone wants to see what I have so far, just comment to let me know, and I'll edit the post to include what I have. :)

I'm a bit nervous, too, because this is my first time writing for an RPG. :|


fandom, fanfic, bored, harry potter

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