Recap: The Ting Tings

Apr 01, 2009 19:34

[music| "Superfriction" - Hottub]

This is pretty much going to be a play-by-play, with some trips to the Department of Back Story for certain events. Oh, and this is probably going to be a long entry. Just sayin'.

So I normally wouldn't drive all the way up to Tallahasse for just anything. I just thought I should put that out there.

Anyways, after I had got back to Tampa on Saturday, my friend, Lisa, and I started talking about how she was going to go to the Matt & Kim and The Ting Tings concerts (respectively) at the club on the FSU campus, Club Downunder, since it's free for FSU students. I had missed both of those concerts in Tampa since none of my friends wanted to see either performer, so Lisa invites me to see The Ting Tings with her. At that point, I wasn't sure if I would be able to go since the concert was yesterday, Tuesday, but then I found out that my 5 pm class for Tuesday was canceled, thus giving me the opportunity to go.

Before yesterday, I had never been to Tallahassee before (or Tallanasty as most of my friends so lovingly call it. I say it just to piss Lisa off. :P), so I was super excited to go to the concert. My only true concern was if I would be able to avoid my friend, Dan, for the entirety of my stay. Turns out I couldn't, but more about that later.

I get to Tally about an hour before Lisa and I were expecting, which was great, since everyone has to wait in line to see the show since they don't sell tickets beforehand. It's all a first come-first served basis, which kind of sucks, but we were near the front of the line, so it wasn't that big of a deal for us. Lisa and I met up with her friend, Amber, who is an absolute sweetheart and is in the same church group as Lisa and Dan. Prior to meeting us at the concert, Amber had attended a forum for her church group and Dan was there. He starts talking to her about the concert and asks her if she had met me yet and then proceeds to tell her about me. Creeper, I know.

Here's the back story part: Dan and I have been friends since our freshman year of high school. Up until our senior year, though, we had never been as close as we are now. He has his issues, but he's always been one of those guys that will approach me and will flat out tell me when I'm hiding how I'm truly feeling and then will sit down and talk to me about what's going on. He's always been concerned with my well-being and will go out of his way to make me feel better. Plus, he's incredibly attractive (taller than I am (and I'm tall), green eyes with dark lashes that make the color of his eyes stand out even more, tan complexion, nice build, great facial structure, etc.). Basically, he's hot and he knows it, and he knows when a girl will only express an interest in him simply for his looks, something he can't stand. So when he expressed his interest in me halfway through our senior year, I was surprised, but there was also a part of me loved the idea of it. The only problem with this little situation is that he has a girlfriend. Who I'm friends with. Yeeeaaahhh. Due to that, when he suggested that I help him cheat on his girlfriend with him, I flat out told him no since, no matter who his girlfriend is, I would never, ever do that with anyone, no matter how attractive I find them to be. I could never do that to anyone. He's a persistent bastard, though, and ever since we've gone to college (me to USF in Tampa and him at FSU in Tallahassee), he's been even more insistent to get with me; asking me constantly to visit him and spend an entire weekend with just him, things of that nature. I still consistently say no to his requests because he's still with the same girl (the only reason why he's at FSU is because she's going there next year. The only reason why he's with her is because she has way more psychological issues than he does, so he feels obligated to stay with her lest she does something drastic). The whole thing with him is just this elaborate clusterfuck of a situation, and to sum it up, I was afraid to go up to Tally because I might run into him (a lot, and I mean a lot of kids from my high school go to FSU). I just feel kind of bad for what's going on between him and I because I still want him as a friend, but I don't want to sleep with him. I'm weird, I know.

Anyways, the concert itself was fan-fucking-tastic. The Ting Tings had this group from Oakland, CA called Hottub as their opening act and it's these three girls who rap with these two guys who play keyboards and create a generalized 80's synth beat for the girls. They were so energetic and just all-around awesome performers. I went up to their merch booth after they performed and chatted with them for a bit before they signed a copy of their CD that I bought. They're total sweethearts and I suggest you all check out their stuff (they're on MySpace and iTunes) because they're all dance-able. :D

The Ting Tings sound exactly the same live that they do on their album. And it really is just the female lead singer and the male drummer on stage the entire time playing all of their instruments. Everyone was jumping and dancing along to all of their songs and they, too, put on a really exciting performance. And I would post pictures, but the club didn't allow flash photography, and if they saw a flash from a camera, they would then take away that camera. Lame, I know. :( But, I did get a picture of the lead singer and a 30-second recording of them playing "That's Not My Name" on my cell phone. I'll see if I can get them online. :D

After the concert, Lisa and I walk back to her dorm in the rain and when we get back to her room, her roommate isn't there and I immediately get an IM from Dan asking if I would be able to see him. I told Lisa that I was surprised that he IM-ed because, 1) since I wasn't online, they go straight to my cell phone, and 2) he flat out HATES it when all of my IMs get transferred to my cell phone and will refuse to talk to me if he realizes that I've been using my cell phone to IM him. Which meant that he really, really wanted to see me. And, hell, a part of me wanted to see him, too, since I hadn't seen the poor boy in 9 months (the last time I saw him was our graduation day). So he comes over to Lisa's room since Lisa would be a good repellent against him puttin' the moves on me and, honestly, it was awesome to see him. But it was also bad because, well, I've never had a boyfriend before, dammit, and my hormones were all, "Oh! He's cute!" and proceeded to make me latch onto him for the entire time that he was in Lisa's room. I know. I know. That was a very stupid thing for me to do, and I'm rationalizing that I needed to get it out of my system. XD Yeah, I know. Still doesn't make up for the fact that I acted the way I did. Lisa said I led him on, and I'm positive that I did, but I think he deserves it. Like, what does he expect? He's attracted to me, I'm attracted to him and this is the first time I've seen him in 9 months. Me giving him hugs was the closest I could get to some form of physical contact that didn't cross the line into the inappropriate.

Either way, what I did was incredibly stupid considering the complexity of the relationship I have with Dan. I'm probably not going to hang out with him over the summer for fear that I would do something even stupider...

Oh, and I LOATHE driving in Tallahassee. It was pouring when I left this morning and Tally is nothing but hills, so when I came up to a red light on an incline, the tires on my poor Honda Civic just barely found enough traction to prevent me from rolling back into the car behind me. :( Luckily, no accidents happened and my little Civic (lovingly named Draco. It's silver. Hush. I couldn't think of any other name for my bad-ass, tricked out Civic. :P) is scratch-free. :D

In other news, ergh! at Micah possibly being down in Florida when I'm in California! :( It's been THREE YEARS (!!!) since I last saw his adorable self! FML.

You also know it's bad/serious when I use lots of italicized words/phrases...

Told you it was a long entry.


school, college: freshman year, happy, tired, real life

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