More from Theories, Chapter 8!

Mar 25, 2009 17:53

[music| "Like a Boss" - The Lonely Island]

Meh. There's this Sadie Hawkins dance tonight thrown by my hall (an all-girls hall. What the hell? Do the RAs enjoy ostracizing us more so than we already are?) and I wasn't planning on going, but Nicole is all, "Oh, I have to go 'cause I'm a mayor (we have mayors and senators and shtuff to represent each floor) and I want you to come with me to prevent me from going crazy." And so I'm going, but, hopefully, only for about 15 to 30 minutes and then I'm booking it out of there. No one (and I mean, NO ONE) from the hall is going and the RAs have been scrambling to get their residents to come out.

So I'm probably going to take a nap before that since I really don't care about going.

Before I do, though, here's more of what I wrote for chapter 8 of Theories on How Danger Finds Us:

I think, by then, I had acknowledged the fact that I found Draco somewhat attractive. That small part of me that was all, “No, Ginny, you can’t. He’s a Malfoy and by that property alone, he’s icky,” was slowly becoming silenced by the part of me that thought he had a nice arse and that he really did grow into his pointy features a bit and, hmm; he can be nice when occasion calls for it.

But when Gareth asked me out, I was still in that stage where I thought Gareth was so dreamy, but then Draco was starting to enter that stage and, oh! Whatever was my feeble mind supposed to do when surrounded by so much hotness? No sarcasm involved there. I was honestly a bit perplexed as to how I should feel considering my contemplation of my feelings toward either guy.

I’m pretty sure that I ended up making a pros and cons list of both Draco’s and Gareth’s attributes late one night in the middle of the year instead of working on homework. I’ve searched for it, if only to get a laugh, but alas. It seems to be lost to time or in some waste basket somewhere. I don’t know.

Gareth asked me out as soon as our Arithmancy class was over those two weeks later. We decided to make a habit of sitting near each other since he was better at writing down the lightning fast dictation from our professor and I was better at understanding what was going on, so we liked to study for tests together in either my dorm or his. We’d gotten to know each other pretty well over that short amount of time and what started off as a simple attraction turned into full-on infatuation.

He turned to me as I started to pack up my things at the end of class, with me standing and him still seated in his chair.

“Um, Ginny, can I ask you something?”

I stuffed by notebook into my bag before sitting back down. “Sure,” I replied with a smile.

“What’s up?”

“I was wondering if you would like to go on a date with me?”

I laughed nervously, biting the nail of my right thumb. I can be such a dork when a guy asks me out.

I sighed, chuckling again, probably looking like I had a screw or two loose before replying. “Um, that sounds great. What day did you have in mind?”

“How about Saturday?”

“You mean, tomorrow?”

“Yeah. That,” Gareth replied sheepishly.

“Well, I don’t have any plans, so tomorrow sounds perfect.”

“Excellent. I’ll pick you up around 11:30 in the morning. So be ready.” He smiled.

I laughed again. “Why so early?”

He gave me a cryptic smile; a smirk, really. “Oh, you’ll see.”

We walked out of class together, and I gave him a hug before I headed for my European Magical History class.

Once Gareth was far enough away, I was immediately accosted by Blaise and Draco, identical grins on their face like they were the cats that got their respective canary.

“Aw, our ickkle Ginny’s got herself a date,” Blaise cooed, pinching my cheek.

I slapped his hand away and punched him on the arm for good measure. “Shut up! It’s really no big deal.”

“Oh, but it is!” he replied, his grin becoming wider, if that was even possible. “This is your first big date outside of Hogwarts. And, I must admit, it’s a very good thing that you have Draco and I.”

I rolled my eyes, crossing my arms over my chest. “Oh, really? And why is that?”

“I would think that the answer would be quite obvious, Ginny dear,” chirped in Draco. He had gotten over being mad at me over making him sleep on the floor in New York about 2 days ago and was back to using my nickname. I swear; he’s more of a girl that I am. “You’re so lucky to have us because we can help you not screw this up.”

Thoughts would be awesome. :)


fandom, fanfic, college: freshman year, harry potter, real life, school, d/g, fic: theories on how danger finds us, sleepy

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