Movie: Watchmen

Mar 06, 2009 03:33

[music| "Intergalactic" - Beastie Boys]

Before I proceed with an actual (somewhat) intelligent account of my thoughts concerning Watchmen, I must get this out of the way first: OH SWEET MERCIFUL JESUS. MY MIND HAS BEEN BLOWN BY THAT VISUALLY INCREDIBLE MOVIE. There. Moving on...

I saw this movie at midnight with my friends. I stated in my Facebook status that I was to be seeing this movie at midnight. Within thirty seconds, I get wall posts, IMs, and status comments from various guy friends telling me how jealous they are, or how excited they are to see the movie and "OMG. YOU IS A GIRL THAT LIKES COMICS?! BRAIN DOES NOT COMPUTE." Once their momentary shock was over, however, we briefly discussed how each of us got into reading the comic and how nervous we were about the movie's adaptation and blah blah blah blah. The next thing I did was call my dad to fangirl about how excited I was since it was the first time I was seeing a movie premiere at midnight (I've been deprived. I know) only to hear that the movie theater showing Watchmen at midnight in my hometown has been sold out so my dad is seeing it today at 3 pm (A rousing chorus of "I hate you" was sung back over the phone from my dad. But it was a jestful "I hate you". Promise). So now that we've gotten some brief backstory out of the way, let us proceed to my actual thoughts on the movie:

1) I was surprised to see the movie start out pretty much the same way as the book. And if I had my copy in front of me (I left it at home), then I'm sure I could verify that for you all. But as far as I could recall, everything matched up quite nicely.

2) The opening credits were both funny and amazing. Basically a visual timeline of American history from the creation of the Minutemen (the original Watchmen) to the movie's present day (the 1980s) set to Bob Dylan. I must clarify that by funny, I mean that in a really weird, "my brain is totally twisted" sort of way. Like how you see the Kennedy assassination, and they pan away to show the Comedian as the marksman. I thought it was amusing in a rather ironic sort of way that he's supposed to be the hero and yet he kills the President. I'M WEIRD. I KNOW.

3) Carla Gugino. You, cougar, you. But from one curvy redhead to another, DON'T FUCK THE GUY WHO TRIED TO RAPE YOU AND THEN END UP HAVING A KID. That's all I'm saying.

4) MATTHEW GOODE, WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN ALL MY LIFE? Throughout the entire movie I had the strangest feeling of deja vu when Ozymandias appeared on screen. I come home, IMDB him, and lo and behold. He was in Brideshead Revistied, Match Point, and Chasing Liberty (thank god, he's been doing better stuff). Rio then proceeded to point out that he looked like an adult Draco Malfoy and from that moment on, I couldn't help but notice that -- the mannerisms, the aloofness, the lean frame, the haughtiness, THE FACT THAT HE'S FREAKING BRITISH. It's too perfect.

5) The movie, from a special effects/design perspective, was just beautiful. I told one of my guy friends, Micah, that my mind was blown by the FX and he disagreed because he was expecting the movie to pretty much be a copy of the comic on screen. I haven't had time to really chat with him about it yet, but I must remind him that it's HOLLYWOOD. Since when has any Hollywood adaptation of any book been entirely faithful to the source material? *sighs* Anyways, there were just some shots in there that were so vibrant (the opening credits is an example) that they just popped off of the screen LIKE A COMIC. And some of the scenes with Dr. Manhattan were incredible as well. I just, in general, really liked the coloring and whatnot of Dr. Manhattan.

6) The soundtrack was so gloriously 80s. I loved it. Rio thought I was being silly.

7) Um, Malin Ackerman can't act her way out of a paper bag. There. I've said it. But she's really pretty and she kicked some serious ass. Plus, she worked the hell out of that spandex suit, so she's got somethings going for her.

Ok. That's about all I have to say right now. I think I need to sleep for a bit so I can process this movie. Maybe talk to Micah at some point tomorrow about the movie. And then maybe edit this post with some more thoughts once I'm more cognizant/awake.

fandom, school, awake, college: freshman year, real life

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