[music| "Circus" - Britney Spears]
I'm working on chapter seven of Theories on How Danger Finds Us and I'm at this scene with Draco and Ginny (by the way, chapter seven is chock full 'o D/G interactions), and they're not at the stage where they're attracted to each other yet (well, honestly, Draco kinda is, at the very least, interested by Ginny, but unsure of how he really wants to categorize her), but my brain keeps screaming at me to write that they make-out and whatnot and argh!
THAT'S NOT SUPPOSED TO HAPPEN YET, DRACO AND GINNY! Patience is a virtue for a reason, and there will be plenty of time for snogging. I promise. *headdesk* -_-
I'm also really tired, so my brain could just be doing that simply out of habit. I dunno. We'll see what happens.