More of My Latest WIP

Jan 05, 2009 00:22

[music| "Cannibal Girl" - Head Automatica]

Some more of the D/G WIP I told you all about here. Still don't have a name for it, so, again, any suggestions would be awesome. :D

He landed on solid ground with an almost feline grace - feet first, bending his knees to cushion the fall, holding his arms out next to him to steady himself. He wobbled a bit before freezing in the position that he landed in, turning his head to assess his surroundings.

Still darkness; as though he were dropped onto a blank canvas. Suddenly, some semblance of scenery began to form around him. Up ahead he saw it; slowly coming into focus as he hastened toward it -- a sprawling field, an inky black lake, a foreboding forest. And then he really saw it: the imposing oak doors latticed with iron and fortified by enchantments, the towers with their tiled steeples, the worn stone steps leading up to the threshold. It was a place he called home. He knew its passages, its rooms, and its most secret of places. It was both beautiful and frightening.

To be back was impossible. There were no bodies strewn across a blood-splattered lawn. There were no cloaked figures battling a battalion of teenagers. There was no sign of life.

He glanced behind him, seeing the way that he came: a swirl of black hovering a metre behind him. He didn’t know where he was, but he had a feeling that knowing the way back would come very much in handy.

Satisfied, he made his way to the doors of the castle, pushing them open with relative ease.
Inside, there was life. Students and teachers milling about, all heading toward a set of open double doors. Cocking his head, he followed, spotting a couple of his friends in the crowd.

The closest one was a fair, raven-haired girl; an emerald green ribbon pulling her hair away from her face. He reached out, hoping to tap her on the shoulder, alert her to his presence, only to have his hand float through her body; whispers of matter fluttering away from his solid hand like smoke.

He stared at his hand in shock, turning it around over and over, inspecting it at various ranges.

He turned to a boy next to him, this time curling his hand into a fist, going for the boy’s stomach. And just like before, his fist went through; as though the punched boy were a ghost.

He ploughed through the crowd, stepping through each foggy apparition until he finally entered the hall.

He started for his table only to halt in his tracks, unnerved at the sight of seeing himself already seated at the table. He sucked in a sharp breath, wondering just what in the hell was going on.

The only reasonable thing he thought to do was to stay put, lest his doppelganger move on elsewhere.

After five minutes, the doppelganger rose from the table, exited the hall and ran up the stairs just outside of the large room.

He followed on, stopping just as he saw his double enter a room whose doors vanished upon his arrival.

It very quickly became all too familiar, and the blond boy slumped to the ground, willing the nightmare to end. For that’s what it was: a nightmare. A night terror that had been plaguing his sleep since the day he ran from his home land; forcing him to relive that night over and over again anytime he dared to close his eyes. He knew what was going to happen next, knew every detail, and he couldn’t bear to stay and watch his crimes.

Springing up, he ran blindly down the hall, rushing toward the stairwell.

He turned a corner, running into someone.

The force of it caused him to fall back, landing rather ungracefully on his arse; the other person following suit.

He looked up to see a girl around his age, wearing shorts and an oversized shirt. Her thick auburn hair was pulled back into a ponytail; her side-sweeping fringe partially covering one eye in that moment.

She huffed, taking a hand and moving her fringe out of her face so she could see. Upon seeing who she bumped into, her face contorted itself into a look of both anger and confusion.

“Malfoy?” she spat, scrambling to get up. “What are you doing in my dream?”

Hope you enjoyed it!


fic: through a long and sleepless night, fanfic, harry potter, d/g, creative

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