I Sense Fuckery

Nov 20, 2008 14:38

[music| "Boyz (Main)" - M.I.A. & Jay-Z]

So do you guys remember the paper I had to write for my AOK class a while back? Well, I finally got that paper back today. I'm not really complaining too much about that, though, because my professor has been dealing with some hardcore family issues, and I feel for the guy. For serious.

Anyways, there's this one part that I left out: he decided to use that paper as part of that mid-term grade, combined with class participation. Problem I had with that was that he gave us three papers to write for our mid-term (which he has yet to grade), and when he "graded" the first paper, it was "I-just-looked-over-it-because-I-didn't-have-enough-time-to-really-look-it-over-in-depth-so-Mia-got-fucked-over-for-her-mid-term-grade".

Yeah... My mid-term grade was a C. I ended up getting a solid B on that paper. So I proceeded to do that math. The paper was a 16 out of 20. Let's say I got 20 out of 20 points for class participation. That would give me a solid A. A 90. Or, let's say that I got, at minimum, 5 out of 5 points for class participation. I would have gotten an 84. A mid-B.

I sense some major fuckery up in here.

Not cool, man. Not cool at all.

school, college: freshman year, annoyed, real life, what the hell?

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