Nominations and Fic Recs

Jul 29, 2008 18:49

[music| "When I Grow Up" - The Pussycat Dolls]

I just posted my list of nominations to the New List of Classics on FIA's forums.

Here are my nominations, in addition to some that I didn't post. If you have any suggestions, let me know! Or if you have any nominations, post them over at FIA's forums! =D

Short Stories

Title: Nudge
Author: SkoosiePants

Title: Mastering the Art of Pig Wrestling
Author: SkoosiePants

Title: Guess Who's Coming to Dinner
Author: slytherinswench

Title: Happiness Quota
Author: cinnamon badge

Title: Jubilee
Author: cinnamon badge

Title: The Malfoy Frog Prince
Author: Lirie Halliwell

Title: Of Peppers and Tiramisu
Author: ser

Title: The Masque
Author: StrangerWithMyFace

Title: Wake
Author: VanillaPuF

Title: Night Divine
Author: Br0ken.Dolly.x

Title: Lantern Walks
Author: Adelagia

Title: Found
Author: Adelagia

Title: Right as Rain
Author: paradise_loved

Title: Winning Bid
Author: sweetprosperina

Title: Slave
Author: Szaranea

Long and Completed

Title: Another Night at MuOM
Author: sweetprosperina

Title: A Ninety-Eight Percent Perfect Match
Author: Mynuet

Title: amor inter nos est
Author: elyaeru

Title: Ginny Weasley and the Asparagus Soup Appreciation Society
Author: ailishmargot

Unfinished Stories

Title: The Quick and the Dead
Author: Anise

Title: The Secrets of War
Author: Liz21

Title: Sectumsempra and Countercurse
Author: Phaedra7Veils

That ends my list of nominated fics. Here are my other recs:

Title: In My Life
Author: Embellished

Title: The Infirmary
Author: Persephone33

Title: The Curious Incident of Chester Weasley in the Daytime
Author: Jade Okelani

Title: The Pleasure of Your Company
Author: Kirixchi

Title: Where I Stand
Author: Adelagia

Title: The Dangers of Mistletoe
Author: CCC

Title: First Comes Marriage
Author: smprsgrrl

Title: The Sneaky Slytherin and The Redhead's Revenge
Author: Yazethet

Title: Lemondrop Conspiracy
Author: Lirie Halliwell

Title: The Maker Of Coffins
Author: EverVengeful

Title: Scene From A Sickroom
Author: Maleficent

Title: Along Came a Wizard
Author: fallenwitch

Title: Oedipus
Author: Irene

Title: The Vampiress and Veelan
Author: Nival Vixen

Title: Locard's Principle
Author: cinnamon badge

Title: Strength, Chance or Fate
Author: Persephone33

Title: The Visitor
Author: Where_Is_Truth

Title: In Vino Veritas
Author: Embellished

Title: Ginny Weasley and the Curse of the Firstborn
Author: anniepenrose

Title: Sex God
Author: Mynuet

Title: PhD
Author: twiddlekinks

Title: Sleep Spent
Author: Nokomis

That's about it for now. If I come up with any more, then I shall post them. =D And like I said before, if you have any suggestions, let me know! I'm always looking for good, new fics!


fic recs

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