This is the flatline of a nation

Nov 03, 2004 22:49

ok so i been thinking about alot of shit, arguing with my parents on why GWB is a fucking moron and the shit he did behind our backs...Cognitive Dissidance? i beleve the term is. America is too fucking sheltered from the real happenings of the world, most people think well that wouldnt happen in our bi-particin democratic system, there are checks and balances, and if he could become president he couldnt mastermind anything so evil...well suprise shit happens...History is inherently doomed to repeat itself (look at my last entry) ideas of the president attacking himself dont make sence to some people but off the top of my head i can site 2 almost identical cases, 1 the burning of the rishtag, 2 Pre WW2 Japan blowing up its vital rail roads to invade china, needless to say these ideas just seemed to get more and more violent and gruesome, so whos to say that George might not have sacrificed those thousands of lives for his cause? Everyone in america is convinced that a terrorist cell was able to initiate the largest attack on american soil? and explain this to me...isnt the pentagon a no fly zone? shouldnt that 757 have been shot down? especially if it veered off course to a totally different location? that doesent seem suspicious? now what about when you radio the 757 and hear "baka-laka-daka" on the other end? thats not suspicious?? Also wheres the evidance? oh right there was none other than george w. bush's story and a building blown up? if it wasnt for the twin towers going down nobody would have believed that bullshit! im sorry but the fact of the matter is Power corrupts all, and to the corrupt lives of others dont matter and mr.bush is one of those people, and fucking get it though your heads ITS NOT IMPOSSIBLE! therefore it could happen. so dont believe everything your told, wether by the news, the president, your next door neighbor, myself or even einstien, nobodys perfect its human nature to decieve and lie, and thats the only sad truth you can gaurentee yourself in life, that not everything is perfect

::Blame it on::
::Human nature, mans destiny::
::Blame it on the greediocracy::
::Fear of God::
::The fear of change::
::The fear of truth::
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