Oct 25, 2006 09:13
There has been much (media) debate recently concerning Muslim women in Western societies who choose to wear veils, and it has been blown out of all proportion. By taking sides, commentators and politicians are doing nothing more than politicising the matter at the expense of social harmony. This debate has been rearing its ugly head with increasing frequency across the Western world over the past few years, including in Britain and Australia.
I have no doubt that many Muslim women (living in Western countries) who wear a veil consider the garment a part of their cultural and religious identity. Good on them. Yet whatever the reason for its being worn, it attracts substantial attention in public spaces. In any society where most people, especially of older generations, are unaccustomed to witnessing such stark garments, veils are confronting. Because of this, they are derided and complained about, only strengthening the social distance between the veil wearers and everyone else. This, perhaps, reinforces the desire for those veil-wearing women to continue wearing them, and a matter of dress can quickly turn into a (sometimes violent) debate on identity, citizenship, morality, discrimination, etc.
Women of all cultures have a right to cover up, and to resist the sexual profligacy of Western popular cultures. Yet Western societies need to stop blaming a piece of fabric for their own inability to treat their immigrant communities with dignity and respect. Government actions are too often to blame, not doing enough to reduce unemployment or welfare dependency, or raise education standards, in immigrant communities. People are chastised for being different, speaking and looking funny, while in the same breath politicians sermonise the benefits of multiculturalism and diverse societies.
Underlying inequality of access to government support (and opportunity) needs to be addressed, and politicians should set strong role models for cultural acceptance in the wider community. How can you make someone embrace Western culture and values if all you do is barrage them with reasons not to?