why do i pick the MOST boring topics possible for uni stuff?
ugh. i have several truckloads of notes on random crap but how am i meant to squish it down into an essay?
meanwhile, anyone that's read this far is obviously bored and putting off work as well. so here's a funny website...
http://uncyclopedia.org/wiki/Sydney - Sydney is loosely translated from the Aboriginal as "Trendy materialist hellhole".
- Note to all Sydneysiders that you cannot drink sea water.
- the drivers appear to talk in another language so that "Doors Closing" sounds more like "Vrogs M-Lown" (except with hardly any pronounciation skills what so ever). The trains often arrive at their destination several years after they should, causing wide-spread tardiness, it is, however, a boon for creepy people, who call public transport their home
- The only existing landmarks are a pile of crashed UFOs (to this day no one goes near it, as periodically very strange sounds can be heard from it) and some sort of large scale steel rigging, from which fireworks are periodically launched."