Fic: Coming Home (SG:A)

Dec 11, 2012 23:57

Title: Coming Home
Rating: PG
Author: xakliaaeryn
Warnings: None
Beta: dreximgirl
Disclaimer: They're not mine, otherwise all my fic would have come true ;-)
Summary: John's had a hard mission, but now he's heading home. (Written for Sparky Advent Calender Day 11)

As John tiredly walked down the corridor back to his quarters, his webbing slung over his shoulder, after a long mission, he could hear giggling from behind the door to the room he shared with Elizabeth and their thirteen month old daughter. They’d been together for nearly four years, four glorious years, and right now he thought he had never heard anything more welcoming than that sound. It lightened his heart after three days away from them in horrible weather, sleeping on hard ground with Rodney chattering away obnoxiously. He wasn’t sure he wanted to do that much more.

The mission had been simple enough, but it had happened just before Christmas. The city had been gearing up for a while, Lorne had mobilised some Marines to bring an evergreen tree from the mainland, Teyla had sourced some ‘local’ decorations for the tree and Caldwell had brought tinsel and party food on the Daedalus. Unfortunately John had been scheduled to go on this mission while most of the expedition was winding up for the big day.

So here he was, Christmas Eve and finally heading home to spend his first Christmas at home with his family.

He waved his hand over the door sensor and stepped inside. There were toys littering the floor, the pushchair at an odd angle to the couch and the handmade Athosian baby blanket tossed haphazardly over the back of the couch. He could hear Elizabeth giggling but couldn’t see her as he looked around the open plan living room and kitchen. He dropped his webbing by the door and walked slowly into the room, listening for their voices. He slowly moved closer to the couch in the middle of the room which had its back to him. As he laid his hand on the back of the furniture, his baby girl popped up with a shout and the biggest grin on her face. He put a hand on his chest and over-acted being surprised, dropping to his knees in a fake swoon while Kairi chuckled at his antics. As he looked over the back of the couch at her, she tried to thrust a half-eaten biscuit into his mouth. This was a long-standing game they had as John would try and avoid the biscuit while Kairi tried all the more to feed him the biscuit, finding it more hilarious the more he resisted.

“Hey baby,” he greeted the little girl as he stood up, sweeping her up into his arms and blowing raspberries into her neck to make her squeal. He moved around the couch to sit on it next to Elizabeth who was slumped down with an arm across her stomach and tears drying on her cheeks. “Hey,” he smiled at her and leaned over to kiss her, the angle awkward with the baby in his arms but oh so worth it. He looked at her quizzically as he settled back against the cushions, “You all right?”

“Yeah, I’m fine,” Elizabeth replied with a sigh. “She just cracks me up! Give her here,” Elizabeth reached out for Kairi and John moved the baby over to sit on Elizabeth. “Watch this,” Elizabeth cleared her throat, took Kairi’s hands in hers as the baby straddled her waist and looked her in the eye with an excited look on her face. “You ready, Kairi?” The baby beamed at her mother and Elizabeth began to sing, rocking the baby back and forth above her as she did.

“Row, row, row your boat,
Gently down the stream,
Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily,
Life is but a dream.

Row, row, row your boat,
Gently down the stream,
If you see a crocodile,
Don’t forget to scream!”

At which point Kairi dropped down to her mother’s chest and squealed, looking sideways at her dad with a beaming smile on her face as Elizabeth cracked up laughing again. John joined her, their daughter’s antics reducing the two mature adults to tears as their daughter tried to stuff the biscuit in her mouth flat-ways, pleased as punch that she had made her parents happy.


Hope you enjoyed! Feedback is love! :-D

fic:sga, sparky advent

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