Day 13 Offering: I Know

Oct 14, 2012 03:43

Title: I Know
Author: xakliaaeryn
Rating: R? (swearing)
Prompt: Heightmeyer
Summary: Elizabeth gets a late night visit.
A/N: This is my offering for Day 13 of the wonderful Sparktober! It can fit wherever you want really I guess, it's pretty straight-forward. Figured I'd kill two birds with one stone and do a prompt from my Bingo card, so here's 'Heightmeyer'. Hope you enjoy!

It was late at night. She should have been asleep, but Elizabeth’s mind would not shut down, so in the quiet of the Lantean night she tried to still her thoughts. She was almost succeeding until John stormed into her room, if he could have flung a door wide open she was sure he would have. “What the hell did you tell Heightmeyer?!”

Elizabeth, put her book aside and got up from where she had been reading peacefully on the bed. “John? Wha..?”

“Whatever you said to Heightmeyer yesterday made her think I was absolutely crazy! She basically implied I should be taken off of duty and put under 24 hour observation!”

“John, please just listen to me,” she implored, reaching out to put her hands on his arms in the hope that the move would pacify him somehow. “She asked me how I felt about you coming back for me and I told her…”

“What, exactly? Coz right now it feels like there’s a woman out there deciding my career who knows next to nothing about me!” John shouted, waving an arm in the general direction of the door and the rest of Atlantis. “I did the right thing Elizabeth and some woman with a couple of degrees isn’t going to change my mind or that fact that I’m right!”

“John, you put a lot of people at risk coming back for me, you can’t tell me that was sensible!”

“I don’t care, Elizabeth!” There was silence between them after, the catch in John’ voice and the unshed tears in his eyes re-enforcing how much tension was just injected into the room. “I’d have done anything to get you back! Anythi…”

“I know!” She yelled back, suddenly feeling the emotion he was projecting take her over. “God damn it John, I know! And that scares the shit out of me!” She covered her mouth with her hands in shock, couldn’t believe what she had just said. It must have shocked John too, because he just looked at her with an expression of amazement on his face. She closed her eyes and pushed her hands over her face and into her hair, wiping some of the tears that had run down her cheeks. “There should be nothing more important than Atlantis, John,” she continued, quieter but with a catch in her throat. “And that you did that…”

“I’d do it again,” he offered, his speech was slurred slightly. Elizabeth wondered whether he had had a little Dutch courage before coming to her quarters. Whatever he had been doing before coming here, it had certainly loosened his tongue, because the John Sheppard she knew would never do anything this emotionally reckless without it. “I’d do it again in a heartbeat,” his voice cracked and his eyes were locked on hers, tears shimmering in their eyes in the low light of her quarters. “I’m not sorry, but I’m not crazy, ‘Lizabeth, I just…” he shook his head and shrugged helplessly.

“I know,” she told him gently, taking a step closer and feeling another tear track down her cheek. She reached out her hand as she took another step closer. “I know,” he took her hand in his and the rest of his body just seemed to crumple against hers. His head came to rest on her shoulder and she held him against her with her free hand. He clung to her other hand for a minute before letting go and reaching around her to pull her into a tight embrace which she returned.

She was safe. She was home. The rest would follow.

john/elizabeth, sga, bingo, fic:sparktober

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