Sparky Bingo: Hands

Oct 02, 2012 00:59

Title:  Hands
Author: xakliaaeryn
Rating: G
Prompt: Hands
Summary: Elizabeth daydreaming
Author's note:  I warn you, I do not feel like this is my best work and I apologise for that, but I need to get into the habit of writing again.  I'm in a fair amount of pain atm, on some heavy meds, not been sleeping well and had a really crappy week, so I apologise.  Sorry :-/

It happened every time he was near her.  She couldn’t help it.  It was simply too distracting for her to get much, if any, work done.

For instance, right now, he was sat next to her, leaning in her direction as they listened to Rodney’s briefing about some wonderful piece of tech he couldn’t wait to disassemble, poke and re-assemble.  To be frank, she had no idea what he was saying.  She trusted the team to reel him in if he got too big for his boots now, his trick with the Trinity project proved that his hubris could easily get out of hand if not smacked back in to place.  She trusted Teyla in particular to put him in his place in her unique way.

Which left Elizabeth with nothing else to think about but the current cause of her distraction; John Sheppard’s hands.  He had magnificent hands.  Hands she felt she could look at forever and never get tired of looking at.  Always wonderfully warm when hers were chilled, firm when she needed re-assurance or comfort and soft when they had their tender moments and he would brush a strand of hair off her cheek before he realised what he was doing.

She loved those moments in particular, since it meant that he was generally stood so close to her that she could catch his intoxicating scent.  Feel his body heat radiating ever so gently towards her.  Hear his breathing…

Yep, she thought to herself.  I’ve got it bad.

But at the end of the day, it was invariably his hands which captivated her, especially when they were gently strumming his guitar and forming chords as he softly sang a song for her after a shared dinner.  Their relationship had naturally and fluidly evolved into something far more intimate without a discussion from either one of them.  The regularly ended up in each other’s quarters, having dinner, playing cards, doing reports and sometimes sleeping together.  In the literal sense, not the colloquial sense, however they had more than once woken in what should have been a compromising position, would have been to anyone else.  However, she and John just…worked.  There was no awkwardness.  They would simply greet each other, doze off again, get ready for work and go about their daily duties before potentially repeating the whole cycle again.

It was only last week that Elizabeth had actually mentioned something as he was finishing up singing and playing for her.  She had been watching his hands again as he plucked the strings when she blurted out “What are we?”

He had stopped playing immediately and looked up at her, the stunned expression fading rapidly as he gazed at her face.  Their eyes had met and their gazes held for a short while until he broke it to put his guitar aside.  He moved from where he sat on the edge of the bed and knelt down so he was right in front of her; her senses suddenly overwhelmed by him again, making her breath catch in her throat.  He was studying her it seemed, eyes running over her face for a while before he watched his own hands ever so gently move her bangs from her face.  His hands came to rest against her jaw, cupping her face as he knelt up to look down into her eyes.

“Everything,” he murmured, lowering his lips to press softly to hers in what Elizabeth had to admit felt like the most swoon-worthy, romantic kiss she had ever been given.

He pulled back and looked in to her eyes again, noses brushing and breath mingling.  She looked up at him, feeling seriously overcome by the kiss and took his left hand with her right hand, grasping it tightly as she smiled at him; feeling genuinely happy for the first time in years.

“Everything,” she replied.

Suffice to say, now she couldn’t stop thinking about John Sheppard’s hands for very different reasons.

ship: john/elizabeth, fic:sparktober

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