Sparky Advent Day 24: Cold December Night

Dec 25, 2011 03:32

Title: Cold December Night
Author: xakliaaeryn
Rating: G
Summary: John is actually quite good at singing for his supper.
Beta: Un-beta-ed, all mistakes are my own :-/
Disclaimer: I don't own anything :-(
Author's Notes:Thank you Michael Buble for giving us all the wonderful song that inspired me to write this fic. Thanks to TPTB for the wonderful characters who ( Read more... )

fic, sparky, sga

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Comments 4

ankareeda December 25 2011, 10:32:25 UTC
Awwwww, that was so cute. I loved the ending.

The coding seems to be a bit messed up, because I had to highlight the last part to read it. Hehe hidden x-mas message. :P



vickysg1 December 25 2011, 11:18:15 UTC
Lovely fic! I have a thing for John&Elizabeth dancing together. It's too bad we never got to see this on the show.


mathgirl24 December 26 2011, 02:33:40 UTC
I love, love, love this story!!

Definitely swoon-worthy.

Thank you SO MUCH for taking over this slot on such short notice. You are the bestest of the best.

Merry Christmas!


failegaidin December 26 2011, 22:11:35 UTC
I adore the image of them dancing together. Wonderful job!!


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