Sep 30, 2010 23:25
Hi there,
I'm back, or at least some semblance of me :-P
Much much stuff has happened in this last year, and apparently, its the year that just keeps on giving! Unfortunately not necessarily in a positive way. My next hurdle is whether I am diagnosed with Coeliac disease. For those who don't know, Coeliac is an autoimmune disease where the body produces an immune response to particles of gluten in the body which makes the lining of the intestines inflamed which means that you can't take up sufficient nutrients. One of the main symptoms is recurring anaemia which is what alerted them to investigate Coeliac as a possible underlying cause.
Anyway, tomorrow I am having an endoscopy and biopsy, which I am tbh very anxious about. I have to decide whether I want sedation or just a local anaesthetic throat spray. Last time I had sedation I freaked out and when they say "Oh don't worry, you won't remember a thing", yeah, don't believe them...bastards (but that's just my general view of dentists, sorry). I really don't want this to true, I mean I have a hard enough time finding things I like to eat as it is! It wasn't until we went around the supermarket looking at packaging that I realised just how many foods have gluten in them! Yoghurts, cereals, sweets, bread, cakes, biscuits, pasta, cooking sauces, pizza, hell, I can't even have fish and chips now without first asking if the chips are cooked in the same batter as the fish! I can't ever have battered sweet and sour chicken again which is my favourite and staple Chinese meal! Thank the heavens that rice isn't off the list, because I don't think I could survive in a world without rice! :-S
This on top of having my hip operated on, having to audition for the next season at Tolethorpe on crutches, missing work terribly, missing not being able to drive, my grandmother stabbing herself with a fish knife to the bone, grandparents and aunt/uncle moving house, dad shattering his pelvis and being off work, I wonder how this year could possibly get any worse. Wait! Don't tell Fate I said that! *sigh*
There have, however, been positives. I got cast in my first 'professional' production as the second female lead, Emilia in Othello (I say 'professional' in little...things, because the Stamford Shakespeare Company are considered one of the best outdoor theatre companies in Europe, but we don't get paid, so the production standards are fantastic, like you'd see on the West End, but no monies go to us actors. In fact, we got told we were better than the RSC! :-D) I also got my first full-time job with HMRC as an Administrative Assistant and I love my job! It's not much, the pay's ok, better than I expected, but it's mine, I really enjoy it and I work with great people (one of who is as big a geek as me and I managed to get her to go to her first convention over the summer!). Oh! And we got the dog Challenge Certificate and Best Of Breed at Crufts with our dog Beano who is now only one CC off being a Champion! :-)
That's pretty much it for this year, so as you can see, the negative currently outweigh the positives, but there's got to be sunlight on the horizon at some point, right? Well, I'm currently seeing fic as the sunlight, My muse seems to have been stirred by the prospect of a new thing called Sparktober! :-) Yay Sparky! Am looking forward to lots of new Sparky fic!!
And so I shall leave you, I need to sleep soon so that I can be up before 8am and have my last meal before the endoscopy :-S
Wish me luck!
*Hugs* to all my flist!