Greetings, Kittens!
I've been so busy, I wasn't sure I'd get a chance to get in another T13 before the year ended. Luckily, things have calmed and I can close 2011 with all of you.
Usually, I spend the last week of December and the first week of January adjusting my plan for the new year. I know that January 1st is the traditional day, but it takes me a few days to see how the year is going before I can set up goals. So that'll be next week, while this week I thought I'd review the goals for 2011.
1. Finish all my writing/submission deadlines on time and with the minimal stress possible. (I have six this far)
This worked for a few of the deadlines and I want to carry this over to 2012 with a few adjustments to technique, so that all of the projects can be on the minimum stress train.
2. Complete two revisions on long term projects.
Done! One was contracted and released, the other is on submission.
3. Finish BloodQueen and The Forgiven.
Not even close. They got bumped for other projects.
4. Start BloodThrone and Rise of the Morning Star.
This actually happened. I was in the mindset, so parts of both of these stories were "put to paper". I can only do so much without finishing the stories that come before.
5. Become a more active participant in reader/writer forums.
Done! And it's only going to get more involved next year.
6. Have fewer writing related obsessions.
Is television considered non-writing related obsession, if the shows inspire the desire to write scripts?
7. Read more to recharge my creative spark.
My reading time was primarily sucked up by research. I did get the recharge I needed, but I wish more of it had been fiction reading. I hope to have that in 2012.
8. Become proficient enough with my Hula Hoop to teach others.
Not even close. I got severely injured more than once, but each time has given me more insight into how to get around injuries. I'm carrying this goal over to 2012 as well.
9. Save up for certification courses.
This started, but the financial situation didn't let it continue. That should be different with new employment on the line.
10. More sex.
Done! :)
11. Complete another large crochet project. (I know that seems a strange thing to put after sex, but the last crochet project ended up being a queen sized afghan that's on our bed, so you get how I arrived here.)
It's not complete. I changed my mind a few times on what I wanted exactly, but I'm happy with the progress on it.
12. More sex. (And you get how I got back here.)
13. Spend more time during the rest of the week getting acquainted with the blogs of my fellow TTers.
A partial success. I've had the chance to see more blogs and I got to know some of you more, which is wonderful. I didn't create the blog surfing habit that I wanted, but much of that was due to writing, so I'm okay with that. Once I have my writing habit tweaked, I'll go back to building the blog habit as best I can.
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