Your Face Is Familiar

May 25, 2011 18:09

Warnings: last two are somewhat bloody

Staples of a Sunday morning:


Dad walks around in nothing but sweatpants. Does not put a shirt on when its pancake time;can't be bothered. This is somewhat embarrassing despite the fact that there's nobody around, but nobody really cares.

Dad attempts to flip a panckae and fails. Someone gets hit in the face with the pancake when it flies horribly off course.

Pancake fight.

And at some point, omebody must strike a weird pose in the course of trying to dodge a piece of pancake.

Good times.

But of course, good times and fluff must be balanced by death and zombies. Because, zombies.

Some lead up here:

In this version of whatever this is, Spitterguy and Femtank get infected at pretty much the same time. Tank goes crazy before the physical effects kick in, and that is why Spitter survived when she attacked him for moving. She is, however, plenty strong enough without being tanked up to to some serious damage. She ran off when he stopped moving and does not make another appearence until she's completley zombified.

Skip back in time a little bit: Paula and the girls had a head start on Spitter, and though none of them knew for sure, he's been right behind them this whole time, and a little before things really went bad, he heard them. Paula was yelling something, somebody was screaming, and they were very, very close.

Follow the voices a little way, they're right on the other end of this alley, he could hear them... suddenly Tank goes crazy. Spitter wakes up on the ground half transformed with a broken jaw and only a vague idea of where he is or what he's supposed to be doing. Obviously not at his most lucid, all he can think of is if he walks in a straight line far enough, everything will be okay. He just has to make it to the end of the alley...

He doesn't.

And look who's RIGHT THERE!

I really like how the pile of dead bodies turned out. Sounds weird to say, but that was kinda fun to draw...
So was Spitter really looking like hell near the bottom there, smashed up, barely concisous, and swelled up not quite as much as a boomer would be at this point..

He had the vague idea that this whatever they are on the ground was in some way significant, and should maybe do something, like maybe mark the spot for some reason, maybe by pulling up this plant, and then promptly forgetting anything ever happened and continuing to walk in a somewhat straight line, which seems to be a good idea for some reason. Or whatever.

And so their grave was a sidewalk, marked by a ripped up weed. I drew that dandilion for no reason but then it became the ending... huh.

It isn't really evident but a couple hours passed after he went down the last time. The lighting will change in the second part if I ever color this.

Does any of this make sense? No, not really.

spitter, pancakes

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