Sep 18, 2008 00:05
When is it that we find ourselves immersed in a reality that fills our hearts with happiness? How is it that we may stand here so blindly believing that we know why and how the world exists? When beauty is a man made concept how can we truly define ourselves as aesthetic or objective?
When at every turn we seek to label what is different from ourselves, then how can anyone say they are superior? Yet again concepts are created by man to form a definition of our world. We attempt to understand anything and everything we come across. Never can it be, it seems, that we may pass something and admit to ourselves that it is something that we cannot grasp.
Though we have evolved as it were to our current state, there is a huge hole within our species to give the fundamentals of compassion and to maintain higher purity. So many now see only what can benefit themselves at their current conjuncture in life and fail to see the pain and misery around them. Survival of the fittest is no longer what drives our climb. Instead we are driven by chance birth, meaning your luck on the region of the world you're born into, the income of your family, the current events within the world and so on.
No longer can we rely on nature. Instead those who suffer can only hope to maintain strength or pray that someone will take a stand against those who see others pain as happenchance. To those who see only their happiness as what matters, only their lives that deserve compassion.
Someone needs to take a stand for those who need help. But today, one person is sadly, not enough. Compassion should never be solicited. Compassion should never be given only to those who can "afford it". Compassion is the most powerful, yet lacking tool within today's society.
The world has become spoiled by humanity's drive for power and money. Therefore even more people have become alienated and destroyed from within by those who refuse to see that the world, without even one person, could be drastically different.
Is is saddening to realize, that through pain inflicted so carelessly by others, that we may have lost some of the greatest people who could have made our world take better steps towards a future with hope. Instead, we have now a world which will continue to slowly die out at the hands of a race that has become consumed with their own desires.