Title: Photographs We Never Took
Author: Aisu
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Akame
Genre: AU, drama, romance
Disclaimer: The usual.
Summary: As Kazuya lays drifting in and out of conciousness, he begins to experience several flashbacks from his early childhood all leading up to the present. After reliving the last moment he can remember, he awakes to an unknown room only to discover that what was once always by his side has left him; yet, at the same time will reside with him forever.
A/N: For Kurii, my other half. ♥
I’m writing everything down. Everything. I want to be able to look back and remember everything as clearly as now. I want to remember every moment I shared with you, forever. Even if I never heal, even if I never learn how to love again. If I can just remember your smiling face, I think everything will be all right. I think I’ll be able to live the way you wanted me to.
It was so long ago, yet it’s all still there. Somewhere. I wasn’t out for long, but I dreamt a lifetime. I was almost there, reliving each moment. I actually remembered it all. Every moment from the day we met. And I’ll continue to treasure those moments, each memory I have of you - even when I’m no longer here.
A/N (Aisu): Was going through all my junk after I got it recovered and browsed through my doc file of this. I typed up so much and never posted anything. I feel like it went to waste. So I'll post it up a bit at time after I've re-read it and possibly revised it if I have the perserverence for it. Hopefully someone will enjoy it. =P Anyway, reason this wasn't posted before is because it's a one-shot. I didn't want to post any of it until it was complete and could be read all in one go, because I think the piece loses much momentum if the reader has to read it in separate parts. Buuut, I don't seem to care much about these details anymore, so this one-shot will be posted bit by bit. x3
As for Aisu making a comeback, don't get too happy. I'm just posting something I started on three years ago. D: Although judging from what I've seen posted in the akame community, there's no one I recognize LOL. & my A/N is now longer than my prologue. /headdesk.