What am I doing up at 2 AM? Finishing my Science paper. This is not good. All weekend, I promised myself that I would get a good night's sleep, and not stay up the entire night. That plan kind of backfired, didn't it? :(
Flashback to the not-so-distant past )
Comments 33
If I was secretly a TV station producer, there would be Courteney movies on all of the time, trust me. 24/7. Especially the ones I haven't seen in a while and can't find at the video store. Sad sigh, this has now turned into a sad comment. *tears*
Pleasure UltraVibe 3000 made me feel dirty, too, and now I must go take a shower.
I can't find any of them at the video store! Except for the obvious ones, like.. Scream. Although I'm willing to stay up to watch a movie of hers, no matter how late (or early in the morning).
Happy showering (WTF?)! Of course, having replied to this like a day after, that 'Happy showeing!' is irrelevant.
Yes, Courteney movies are hard to find, and the ones I have found at video stores, I already own. (i.e. Scream, Get Well Soon) and then the ones (or one) that had been on television a lot (i.e. The Shrink Is In) is on a station that I no longer get (Oxygen) so I have only seen it a few times, a long time ago. Sad.
I, too, am willing to stay up forever to watch her movies.
Wow, that turned into an irrelevant Courteney rant, sorry!
It was happy showering, then I had another happy shower, today. I feel happy when I know people want me to have happy showers, thank you. (WTF?!)
..Get Well Soon is on a video store? One time I started asking for random Courteney movies and they thought I was crazy.. (Except for the Scream trilogy, of course, because they're on video stores everywhere) I had to get ahold of someone who works at Blockbuster just so he could search 3000 Miles To Graceland on their database.
I know! I remember staying up two nights in a row to watch her mini-series, Till We Meet Again. It was on from like 1 AM - 4 AM on both nights.
Don't worry, I like talking about Courteney (obviously.. I mean, I kinda added to the rant or whatever). So no apologies necessary.
When I was younger, I used to not be a fan of purple at all -- the fact that it was the Unicorns' favorite colour turned me off (dude, do you know who the Unicorns are, or was that a 'my old generation' kind of thing? :-p) -- but now, I adore it.
And since we're talking about colours, I have to say, the blue on yours is so pretty. I mean, I really love the blue. *glomps it*
I don't think randomly blurting out Happy Birthday! is weird. I think it's neat. ;)
Hmmm, I think the only thing I can offer you from your list is motivation, and even then, I'm not much of a cheerleader. Hehe. Do you have a custom av in mind? Which one did you choose, finally? Perhaps I can do something else to that end. *g*
I'd attempt a graphic, but ahem, you're way better at those than I am, so no. :-p
I hope ya get everything, though, especially #10. (A)
I only like bluish-purple, not.. bright purple. It's too.. bright (no, really?!). But um, I don't remember the Unicorns. Or maybe I do.. there's been a lot of Unicorn shows around.
I used to like green when I was younger, only because my mom liked it. =-O
Thanks! No.. I don't. I always have a hard time choosing pics, so I thought people might want to.. make it easier for me (by picking pics). :$ I should've just put 'Pretty Courteney pics' on my wishlist, because I'm capable of making my own avatars; I don't want people to make me stuff for nothing. O_O potential LJ friends to think that I.. really want #10.
I reread that and it sounded weird. Just to clarify, I didn't mean that the stuff people might make me would go to waste (because I'll think they're ugly or whatever). I just meant it was weird of me to ask for AVs since I can't really have custom AVs that often (and, it's not like I don't know how to make my own.
This whole thing doesn't make sense. I think I'm just sleepy. :(
I'd send you a Courteney DVD. Amazon.ca seems remarkebly cheap. Commandments is only like £6.00! But you don't seem serious, so I'll not even try. :-p
Let us see. I can cheerlead with Chris for #2... *cheerleads* ... no. And maybe #7, if you were even reading my fic. *shrug*
*coughs at #10* Does it really exist?
OMG, my icons have been cut down! *freaks* Sorry, nothing to do with you.
*slinks away*
See, that's expensive for me. I would never buy a random Courteney movie for like, $13 Canadian. *is poor* *pointlol* I wasn't being serious because I didn't think anyone would get me those.. but if you're willing, maybe I will make an Amazon wishlist! *pointlol*
I was reading the Mondler one about.. cancer and stuff. Or maybe it was the other one. But that was like already finished, wasn't it? I... forgot everything.
I wouldn't know. :-p
Welcome to the 3 icon club. I've been in it for a long time. I even subtly mentioned a LJ paid account on my wishlist, but obviously people did not get that. I'm used to this account type anyway. That.. was what you were talking about, wasn't it?
Oh yeah, you left reviews and shiz. That one's not finished. I... drove myself into a corner somewhat. Erk. But yeah.
Suuure... ;)
I don't think I wanna be in this club. :-p And I got that... I think it was obvious if you're concentrating, but you don't make the connection otherwise. o__O
I'm not even gonna start acting defensive with the UltraVibe thing. That will just make me look guilty.
Oh, but you do. Join us, and make people get sick of seeing the same 3 little images over and over again. I think I've done that. Scroll over all my replies on this entry and you'll see.
And woot for getting it! Everyone else was probably just.. 'So, why don't you make one?' Maybe when people have had a paid account for ages, they just forget what the special benefits are (I know I was like that.. I had a paid account for about six months straight).
I'm not even going near the graphics thing with you. Plus I know you'd just *pointlol* at it (A)
I'm trying to remember where *cherishes* comes from ;)
...what about.. writing another fic? *pointlol*
I don't remember either. :( I think it had something to do with cherishing.. certain memories, although I don't really remember which ones.
-Marie Frederique-
I really would send you a Courteney DVD as long as it's cheap, 'cause I have no job and therefore no money. Do you have an Amazon wishlist?
*wonders if it costs tons of money to ship Courteney DVDs to Canada*
Really? Aww, yay! Lol, once I saw 3KMTG for like $2 on EBay, but I already have that so I didn't bother bidding or anything. *pointlol* I don't have one right now.. I have no idea how Amazon works.
..maybe? I don't know. Maybe it doesn't cost as much if I use Amazon.ca..
On Amazon.ca (the main page), click on Wish List in the upper right hand corner of the page. You can set it up so that I can't see your address, but I'll see the stuff you want. Just click "Add to wish list" if you see something you want on Amazon.ca. Yep. Okay, did that make sense? I can't explain very well.
...Are they even selling movies that cheap?
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