
May 03, 2007 14:07

Yesterday my friend from okinawa was visiting oosaka for golden week, and invited me out to the bar. So I agreed, thinking I'd just drink a few and catch the last train home, but when I looked up it was too late -_- and catching a taxi is like raping my wallet. So I spent all my money on booze, which is like raping my liver.

Anyways, I ONCE AGAIN(!) fell asleep on the train home, and went quiet far on the local train. I slept through 8 stations -_-, so I didn't get home until 6:30. Which would have been no problem, except that I managed, for the first time since college, to sleep through my alarm and didn't wake up til 10 minutes b4 I was supposed to b somewhere. UNfortunately, my dear friend Yumi had already arrived, so I called her and said: "AAAAHHHHHHHHHHHhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh'm Sorreh!!" So I ended up not getting to meet her this week, which sucks since it's her b-day 2morO.

Anyways, today I've been invited to a ワイン飲み放題, all u can drink wine party. It's a bit expensive, but I can't refuse. I'd die most like. ... if I refused.

(Later I became sick for about 2 hours and was unable to go to the event T-T. I started to feel good again once the event started and I felt perfect about a half an hour into it -_-. What lame timing)

I have also spent the entire day thinking it was Wednesday, only to discover that it's Thursday, Which means I lost a day of vacation in my head -_-

Now, for the reason I titled my entry "Misnomer". In Japanese, somethings r ironic. I notice them b/c I'm an obtrusion in a sea of ethnically undiverse people, which gives me a noice vantage point. In Japanese, "pores" r called "毛穴" which means "hair holes". I think that's sooo incorrect, b/c not all pores have hair, and most Japanese people don't have hair, so I can't imagine who thought that word up. Probably some SUPER hairy individual I betcha.

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