Jun 02, 2005 00:37
wow long time no update. summer's been good i guess but i miss talking to people :( im bored as fuck and i miss all of u!! i went to ambers recital it was really good amber was amazing!! u all should be mad u didnt go! haha wen i got there this creepy bum came up to me n megan n was like is this ur car? do u have ne money? c'mon even a quater?? u know u have one..please c'mon...n he was like following us around..it was crazy..omg the best thing about summer is i get to sleep till like 2-3 every afternoon...god its amazing i love sleep!! hey every1 come to sarah n katies recital-4th at epsicopal probly round 7 n lisas recital- 10th i dont remmeber where tho...n my recital!!! june 11th at epsicopal probly at 7....ill love u forever if u do!!! mario couldnt do our recital so we got carlos to do it lol u know u wanna see that! k im tired im gonna go sleep...later
call me n we'll hang
"i hate u and a horrible evening to everyone" -grace