Haha! Just watched part 2 of End of Time.
Yes, I am a genius and EoT part 2 was just as I imagined. YES! It was not Master who knocked 4 times. HAHA! I knew that. What the hell? Why could anyone think it would be the Master? The Master and the Doctor love each other, they just tease each other, make practical jokes to each other, but SORRY - they would not seriously intend to kill each other. And I knew the'd have to face the same enemy together and kick some arse. And they did! It was AMAZING. They DO love each other. They care for each other. AND THEY SHOULD HAVE KISSED. YES! EPIC!
The only thing I did not predict was Donna's fate. She should have died. I'm sorry, but this wa swrong. BUT okay, I believe she was too stupid and when she started to remember she thoughjt it was a dream or hallucination and she didn't believe it really happened. And that's why she didn't die./ Cos she was stupid. I can buy that. I love Donna but she's not the smartest girl in the universe, is she?
Martha and Mickey? Haha, FAIL.
Jack and Alonzo? HELL YES! =D