Dec 01, 2004 21:07
1. First best friend: katy williams hahah thats a funny one...
2. First love: true love...brian thomas
3. First real kiss: johny
4. First screen name: lilmunchkinbabe
5. First pet: shih tzu named missy
6. First car: my big ass truck
1. Last cigarette: never
2. Last kiss: sunday
3. Last good cry: yesterday
4. Last beverage drank: coke
5. Last food consumed: popcorn
6. Last crush: blakeey
7. Last phone call: mom
1. Who is your best friend: um probably brittaney and kalyn
2. Do you have a girlfriend/boyfriend: yes
1. Where are your favorite places to shop: anywhere that i think is cute
2. Favorite item of clothing: ummm jeans
1. Do you do drugs: no
2. What kind of shampoo do you use: brillant brunette and garnier fructis
3. What are you most scared of: being alone, rejected and dark and storms
4. What would you change about yourself: skinnier
1. Colors: pink orange and black
2. Foods: mmm bagels and macaroni and cheese
3. Subject in school: espanol and international relations
4. Animals: umm bengal cats
5. Sports:softball
6. Movie:white oleander and elf
1. Given anyone a bath: yea a baby my cousin
2. Smoked: never
3. Made yourself throw-up: yes
4. Skinny dipped: yeah
5. Been in love: yes <3
1. Clothes: sweats and a pink tank top
2. Music: silence
3. Make-up: nada.
4. IMs: none.
2. Hugged: nice hug was blake
3. IMed: kalyn
4. Last person who slept at your house: hmm probably kyndel
5. Last persons house you slept at: brittaney
1. In the morning why am i awake?
2. Love is: wonderful and horrible at the same time
3. I dream about:being happy forever
1. 7 years ago: 4th grade i dressed like a boy
2. 4 years ago: was on the volleyball team
3. 3 years ago: freshman drank a lot very stupid
4. 1 hour ago: shower
5. tomorrow: 3 choir things
6. college: IU East