"Mmm..Snake Surprise!"

Dec 30, 2004 09:18

I had another nightmare. This one I've had before but something was different. I did something different that made it weird.. like I was learning from the mistakes of the last one. I could remember it better too. Zombies were running all over the place eating people in these groups or packs or whatever, like they were before and I was waiting for things to happen. And they did. There was this lady. She looked a little like Ann Hatche (Is that how you spell her name?), and she was making things happen that werent in the last dream too. So I went to find and stop her. But she told me I'd made a promised to her that I couldn't break. But I made a promise to her captive too (She had taken someone in the group I was in prisoner) and they were conflicting. So I somehow kept my promise and another person stole away her captive and brought him to safety and she took me and locked all the doors of this weird, big hotel, so I started to try and find other ways out but there were none that i would survive from and then, miraculously, the zombies beat down the door and rushed in after us, and right past me. They were chasing the Lady, and so I went for the door and saw a whole bunch of people that I knew. A slightly fat young boy, an older man who wasn't his dad but some other balding guy and .. a little girl too. I was about to leave with them when my dad woke me up from the whole thing and scared the living shit out of me.

This is just really weird sounding.
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