Ah, Venice.

Dec 29, 2004 01:48

I was watching Discovery channel during the day today and there was a whole program on the oddessy of the various homonid species of the earth before Homosapiens ruled the planet fully and I got to watch the evolution of the two species. It was interesting. It really was. This one amazing ability to analyze the attributes of one singular thing and then apply them to everyday life has kept us alive for a few million years. And not just that. Being able to copy and mimick, to understand and build upon an idea and let it flourish into an art.. it really is remarkable. That ability seperates us from all the other animals in the world. We are different because we can learn in such a way. We make note of things and keep them with us, we pass things on to our children and it becomes a long cycle! And tell me, what other creature on the planet has that ability? Not one does. I know that's particularly arrogant on me on so many levels, but it's true. Confining my speech to the planet and it's inhabitence, man truly is the most intelligent.

So when I was reading in Keith's journal about his beleif that ignorance is bliss and something to be envious of, I was slightly annoyed. YEs, Ignorance has it's fine points. You can live in a world that is carefree and void of responsibility. You can call yourself happy. Content with what you have, because what you have is just enough to keep you from getting hurt. But it's just enough to keep you from getting anything else too. It's boring, being content. If man was happy with what was infront of him, we would never exist. There would be not one of the luxuries that we take for grantite. No chairs, not cars, not shelters or houses. No us. Just every other animal on the planet. And being ignorant isn't really being happy. It's being.. stupid. Ignorance is not bliss! It's a way of exhisting that does provide a doorway for happiness. Granted, knowing everything there possibly ever was to know isn't good either. IT all comes back to Arestotle. "All things in Moderation".

I didn't think I would have to go there but I do. MR. Chris Flick is the best example of the obvious destructiveness of the "Ignorance is Bliss" philosophy. Flick doesn't like to know anything outside of what he knows. OR what he thinks rather. He does not enjoy new ideas. He does not find change refreshing, and will not accept change when it comes along. He lives in a world that is only real to him. His world insulates him from the change and new ideas of the real world. But it cannot stand strong forever. HE is of course, ignorant to this. He thinks that his world will never come down around his ears untill it does. And so he is surprised when his world collapses and he has to pack up and move. He has had so many jobs because he is forced to repeat this process, because he refuses to accept change or new ideas. He will not analyze himself and come to the realization that he must consider an opinion other than his own because Chris Flick is perfect. Chris Flick doesn't need to change himself, he needs to change others. When he cannot do such a thing, he looks for a new place to change others.He goes to a job, it doesn't work out, he gets fired or quits and then moves on to the next one.THAT IS WHAT IGNORANCE WOULD LOOK LIKE IF IT HAD A HUMAN FORM.

There. I am feeling much better about this whole situation now.
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