Remember me~~?

Jul 14, 2010 10:54

How long has it been since I posted on my LJ... at least a couple of months. Must feel like an abandoned wife when compared to my twitter which I use everyday. ...I still check LJ but I just don't post, or comment, quite as much as I used to, which was actually not that much in the first place, LOL.

Lately I've been working on original stories so I haven't had the mental brain power to do other things like translating (I'm so sorry DRRR!! >_>;;) so I thought this was kind of fitting to try out...

I write like
Stephen King
I Write Like by Mémoires, Mac journal software. Analyze your writing!

...I actually have not read many of Stephen King's books. Just one. Maybe. And even that one, I think I only flipped through. I'm definitely not a person to keep up with famous people/fads *COUGH* Well, Stephen King is the result when I pasted in one of my LJ entries. I got Dan Brown when I pasted in one of my old stories. And then I got Stephen King again when I pasted in a more current DRRR fic that I gave up on writing. What does that say about me? That I write the way I speak and think, I suppose XD;

Life's been hectic since I'm packing up my belongings, and not quite sure where I'm going to end up two months from now, LOL. But I am still chasing after Kamiya, though I think I've calmed down for the most part. Calmed down in the sense that I don't go to Tokyo every weekend; I only go once or twice now, since I've practically cut out all events that are not Kamiya-related ^^; Three years ago, Kamiya was not even my absolute favorite seiyuu, so I wonder what other changes I'll go through in the next few years. I'll try to think positively and look forward to them.

Summer is around the corner, or swerving straight into view as I would like to think (orz), and I'm not looking forward to it but what can I do. I am, however, looking forward to Korea at the end of this month!!! VACATION!!!! Whoo!!

Most of the people on my f-list I talk to (somewhat) regularly are already on my twitter but how is everyone doing? I hope everyone's doing okay and even if you're not happy and carefree, that you're at least not down in the dumps. If you are, I will just hope that everything picks up!
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