Oh yeah, I almost forgot...

Apr 29, 2009 07:45

Should've posted this in my last journal, but posting on Tim's journal about moving to Canada made me remember.  I'm in reality moving to Texas. Houston, to be exact.  In June.

I know it's sudden, but I really need this.  I've turned into a hermit, and I don't know why.  I did go see Watchmen, but other than that, I haven't gone out. At all.  I've been to the grocery store twice in 6 months. I go to work, come straight home.  That's it.  It wouldn't be so bad, but it's gotten to the point where I'm actually afraid to leave the house.  ME.  AFRAID.  Perhaps a new place will be better for me.  I'm wasting away here, and I don't think I can take it much more.

Part of me honestly thinks it's my job.  I hate it. I like the actual work of nursing.  I like dressing wounds, I like hanging IV's and drawing blood.  I even like cleaning people up when they get sick because I know that they won't be sitting in filth on MY watch. I like learnign about medical conditions.  It's everything else that makes me want to never go back.  And there are NO nursing jobs in Pittsburgh.  UPMC not only put on a raise freeze, but a hiring freeze as well.  They won't let me transfer anywhere. Pittsburgh itself does not have a nursing shortage.  If they did, Shadyside School of Nursing would NOT have eliminated their tuition forgveness program.  You would be able to get a job.  But you can't, because there aren't any.  But there are jobs in Houston, so that's where I'm going.  All the bullshit they fed us about "being able to get employment anywhere" and "writing your own ticket" is really starting to taste sour.

So yes.  My friends, even though I haven't seen you in eons... I will miss you all.  Who knows... I'll probably see you guys MORE since I plan on coming back every three months to see my gram. 
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