May 31, 2008 00:25
These past few weeks I've been having the strangest sensation every night. After I lay down for bed and begin to drift to sleep, I get the sudden sensation of a knife being drawn across my throat. My neck feels horribly exposed and wake back up instantly. I'm not sure if this is a premonition of my own impending doom, or a strange spasm in my trachea, but it's definitely unnerving. I think I'll die from having my throat slit.
When I was little and I'd have random pains somewhere on my body, such as a sharp, stabbing pang in my stomach, I believed that somewhere, in an alternate universe, another Elizabeth was being stabbed or shot there and was dying, and that pain was the connection between me and the Other Liz breaking. I think across all the unknown alternate universes out there, someone is methodically killing all of the Other Elizabeths'. I wonder when I'll be next, and if I'll just be one in a string of Other Elizabeths' and merely some Other Elizabeth's Other Elizabeth.
I wonder if he knows that I'm not in love with him anymore? I wonder if he knows that my job means I'll leave him.
My Boss is planning on moving to L.A. and wants me to be his main assistant and lab manager, and is willing to help me get into grad school at UCLA. I wonder if he knows that I will leave him behind.
I wish I could turn my phone on.