I wanna be a word...

Feb 18, 2005 03:40

Words for the day...

One entry found for despondent.

Main Entry: de·spon·dent
Pronunciation: -d&nt
Function: adjective
Etymology: Latin despondent-, despondens, present participle of despondEre
: feeling or showing extreme discouragement, dejection, or depression
- de·spon·dent·ly adverb
synonyms DESPONDENT, DESPAIRING, DESPERATE, HOPELESS mean having lost all or nearly all hope. DESPONDENT implies a deep dejection arising from a conviction of the uselessness of further effort . DESPAIRING suggests the slipping away of all hope and often despondency . DESPERATE implies despair that prompts reckless action or violence in the face of defeat or frustration . HOPELESS suggests despair and the cessation of effort or resistance and often implies acceptance or resignation .

next up....

One entry found for arduous.

Main Entry: ar·du·ous
Pronunciation: 'är-j&-w&s, -dyu-w&s
Function: adjective
Etymology: Latin arduus high, steep, difficult; akin to Old Irish ard high
1 a : hard to accomplish or achieve : DIFFICULT b : marked by great labor or effort : STRENUOUS
2 : hard to climb : STEEP
synonym see HARD
- ar·du·ous·ly adverb
- ar·du·ous·ness noun

Good thing I am emo now, or I would never have been introduced to those words. Yay for me.

Oh.. and just cause I noticed this on the mood list, and I have NO idea what it is, nor does my English Major buddy....

One entry found for exanimate.

Main Entry: ex·an·i·mate
Pronunciation: eg-'za-n&-m&t
Function: adjective
Etymology: Latin exanimatus, past participle of exanimare to deprive of life or spirit, from ex- + anima breath, soul -- more at ANIMATE
1 : lacking animation : SPIRITLESS
2 : being or appearing lifeless

Haha.. they do have Emo on the mood list, just in a bigger word. :P

Ok.. well.. I have had a VERY fulfilling night.. I am off

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