prisonbreak 100

Aug 27, 2006 22:03

Drabble number 3. Well, this isn't strictly a drabble, because it's over 500 words, but I couldn't work out how to make it shorter, and I didn't want to cut bits out. Complete lack of discipline on my part, I'm afraid, and that makes me very sad. Y'all know how I like to challenge myself. Well, this time I failed the challenge. Or I was differently successful, whatever.

Title: Prejudice
Character/Pairing: Teddy, OC
Prompt: 072. Fixed
Rating: R
Summary: School is hard. Angelique makes it harder.
Author’s Notes:
Warnings: Underage sex, violent imagery, swearing


Teddy sat through yet another Math lesson, trying to pretend that he didn’t hear the barely-lowered voices of the girls sitting behind him. The teacher never bothered to try to rein them in, they belonged to Angelique Brandon’s group, and her Daddy’s name was up over the library. Any teacher that tried to discipline Lucas’s daughter was going to find himself in some serious trouble, probably even forced out of his job for some spurious reason.

Spurious was a good word. Teddy tried to focus on that, and not on the gossiping girls behind him. It was difficult, though, because Angelique was telling her deskmate about what she and her boyfriend, Keith, had gotten up to over the weekend. It seemingly involved Vaseline, vodka, the backseat of her Daddy’s car, and her bra getting ripped. Teddy shifted, his cock pressing uncomfortably against the fly of his jeans. Angelique was so beautiful, all fifteen-year-old blonde perfection, and she’d been the subject of too many of his late-night imaginings for him not to get turned on by the situation she was describing. It was hard not to picture that ripping bra, maybe not ripped but cut with his knife, maybe slicing a little into the tender white flesh of her breast so that beads of blood stood on the surface.

It was too much to deal with, he was going to come in his pants if he wasn’t careful, and it would be obvious and embarrassing. He had to shut them up, so he turned to his natural first line of defence: his smart mouth. He looked over his shoulder at her, and tried not to think about slicing her face from ear to ear.

“Hey, Angelique?” He flicked his tongue over his dry lips. She looked at him, scandalized that he’d actually had the temerity to speak to her. “Could you speak up some, I think some of us missed the part where he did you in the ass.” Blood flushed under the tanned skin of her cheeks, and her mouth hung open in momentary shock, while horrified giggles broke out from her friends.

“How dare you…” she paused for a second, seemingly unsure of how to continue, “how dare you speak to me, you pizza-faced freak?” she finished loudly, so loudly that even the teacher stopped talking. The rest of the class fell about in gales of laughter, of course, practically rolling on the floor in their joy at the put-down, no matter how lame and untrue. It had been months since his acne had cleared up, but that didn’t matter, not to a girl like that and not to the morons he had to spend all his time with at school. Once they got an idea, it was there for life. No matter how skinny the fat girl got, she was still always the fat girl. And no matter how clear his skin was, he was always going to be Pizza-Face.

He hated them, he could hardly breathe with how much he hated them all, and Angelique in particular. He couldn’t understand how his hatred of her didn’t stop him seeing her when he closed his eyes, alone in his room at night, and how the thought of her body under his could still fill him with so much desire. It hurt him, so he changed it to something else, something violent, and when he started following her at night, he told himself that it was only because he wanted to see her suffer. He wanted to cause her pain.

Many years had to pass before he really understood why he’d burnt down her house, killing her parents and pet poodle. He’d always had it fixed in his head he’d hated her, but really what he felt was love. At least in retrospect, unlike those cretins from school, he could admit that he was wrong.

prisonbreak100, het, t-bag

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