Dear 48% of the voting population that didn't vote for Bush. I truly understand your frustration, and concern, however it is too late to do anything about it now so let's just get over it and stop complaining. People turned out in record numbers to vote and Bush won fair and square no arguments this time. As shitty as it may be he is the peoples
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Thank you for commenting on this almost a month after it was posted. It's incredibly releveant. Feel free to speak your peace about the elections if you feel the necessity, even if in a reply to a month old post, about not talking about the elections anymore, in the journal of someone who you don't know, is the platform for wich you choose to do your ranting. I'm sure you really rallied people for your cause here. Good job.
I would assume people would vote for Bush because they agreed with him more than they did with Kerry. Apparently the majority of America(at least voting America) did. Hard as it is for you or anyone else to understand. If you're implying my voting for Bush is a result of homophobia, you couldn't be further from the truth. I won't deny enjoying a good gay joke, anymore than I will deny enjoying a joke of equal calibur about mexicans, blacks, jews, asians, retards, polocks, or whites(or combination of the above.) As far as the well being of our country we'll leave that top be seen. I just know I wouldn't trust Kerry anymore than I would trust Bush(whom I didn't really like much either) It's good to know that there are still those hard core Kerry supporters out there whow ould like to believe they were cheated somehow in losing the elections. I'm glad that you are maybe the one person in America more liberaly ignorant than Michael Moore(who has admited to Kerry losing the election by not getting as many votes).
I will not comment on the size of my penis for the simple lack of releveance to myself, you, or this post. I realize your attempt of trying to get a jab at me by any means necessary, but please if you're mature enough to have an educated political opinion, be mature enough to leave the penis jokes in 8th grade. I really don't care about who's penis is bigger or smaller than mine. I just know I've never had a complaint thus far. Maybe they were just being nice but I'll assume they were truthful.
Again thank you for commenting, please come again.
she was kidding. she's worried cause her butt stinksk
i heard that wrong
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