Feb 02, 2004 14:26
Justin, baby, I'm a terrible Zoe. Sooo sorry this is late but:
Forgive me? *puppy dog eyes*
Other than being a total flake, I'm back in LA after being dragged to bloody Texas for the damned Super Bowl, which sucked because I have personal issues with the Patriots, haha, but of course well, half time *laughs*. Janet, I love you :-* and Justin, you're sooo bad. Accident my ass *...*. Anyway, I officially live in LA. Queens can seriously kiss my chocolaty ass, WOO! Michelle, we need to go surfing as soon as I can safely walk, mmkay? :-* *glances over her shoulder, taps her chin* Hmmm, I think I'm done. Yes *nod* I am. Must run, things to do *smirk*