A Game Too Far

Sep 05, 2006 18:51

Title: A Game Too Far.
Pairing: Gerard/Frank.
Rating: NC-17.
Summary: After a drunken dare, Frank takes his revenge on a victorious Gerard a little too far.
Genre: Smut.

Oh good God.. This is when it’s gonna start. He’s gonna do it…

Frankie’s breath hitched in his throat as Mikey started up the chords for Ghost of You, him and Ray following close behind. Gerard stood a little to the left in front of him, clothes disgustingly tight on his disgustingly perfect body, eyes softly closed and mic held to his lips.

“I never… said I’d lie in wait forever..”

The words bit through him, the irresistible voice vibrating through the concert hall they were playing in.

Please…please don’t do it... just this once…

But Gerard did.

He moaned.

And Frankie had to bite his lip so hard he could taste blood, just to stop himself echoing the sound, as it ran straight to his groin.

He watched, and for the first time in his life he almost, almost got stuck. Almost forgot the cord that had been so thoroughly drummed into his mind as Gerard looked at him, that glint in his eyes.

Fuck that look.

Frank returned it, a smirk twitching at the corners of his lips, eyes locked completely on the hazel green set opposite him. He lowered his gaze momentarily, watching the swaying of the black clad hips as the vocalist walked towards him.

He felt skilled and knowing fingers tracing the outline of the scorpion tattoo on his neck, pressing under the pressed white collar of his shirt.

It was the second song in and already he had a painful erection.

He couldn’t let Gerard know though, and certainly wouldn’t let him close enough to give him a helping hand with it, because that would mean Gerard won.

And no one ever beat Frank Iero. Not even the man he was obsessed with.

He wasn’t even sure it had happened, he was so damn drunk, but thanks to damn sober witnesses, he’d had to go through with it.

Damn Bert McCracken and that damn crate full of beer.

So now here he was, a player in a twisted collection of vicious mind games. His best friend damn near prostituting himself, and him doing exactly the same thing.

The idea of the game was perfectly simple - who could get the other hard on stage first?

Simple, yet more excruciating than any knife.

He tried his best not to lean into the gentle touch, and it took more will power than he was worth not to return the kiss Gerard brushed against his lips.

It wasn’t fair. He was guitarist, how could he turn Gerard on if he couldn’t even touch him?

He played mindlessly throughout the set, pondering this predicament, Gerard springing up to lick his neck every damn minute, when the notes of I’m Not Okay kicked in, and he grinned softly to himself.

He played his part with a vengeance, stepping closer to share Gerard’s mic, nipping at his lip lightly, before Ray took over, playing the screeching guitar solo, and he took this moment, the only one he really had, to grab Gerard and pull him into a sweltering kiss.

Girls screamed hysterically, some booing, cameras flashing somewhere farther off.

He grinned, biting down on Gerard’s lip, slinking his hand down between his beloved guitar and Gerard’s body to rub across his crotch, squeezing slightly, laughing against the taller man’s mouth as he felt him jump to live beneath his hand, “Whore..” he whispered into his ear, hand covering the mic.

“Bastard…” Gerard gasped back, shaking slightly.

Good. Now Gerard was feeling what he had been put through for three whole shows.


He grinned, moving back to his spot as Gerard’s cue came about, the grin never leaving his face.

Until he felt it. The hot, wet tongue along his neck; the hard cock grinding into his ass; the hands circling his waist to press behind his guitar and to his already aching crotch.

“You’re gonna pay for this, Gerard Way…” he hissed, blushing scarlet, surprised he had enough blood left in the Northerly direction to do so.

“I look forward to it,” he whispered to his throat.


The set was over after what felt like an eternity, sweat gluing his hair to his forehead, sticking his clothes roughly to his body, yet the adrenaline kick was still running strong through him, and he had something he had to do.


Gerard gulped down the water, pressing his forehead against the cold tile of the bathroom wall, his shirt sticking uncomfortably to his back, his pants still way too tight.

Frankie won the bet damn it. He did it through cheating too - who wouldn’t be turned on by a disgustingly hot guy grabbing your dick?

He jumped as the water bottle was knocked to the ground, bouncing across the white tile and spilling its contents. He tried to turn, only to have himself forced against the wall, elbow colliding painfully against it as he reached up to protect his face.

“Hey, Gee,” said a cheery voice against his ear, sending hot tingles through his body.

“Frank, get out...” he sighed, attempting to push him away. The damn kid was stronger than he looked.

“I’d rather get in,” he whispered gently, hooking his thumbs in the waistband of Gerard’s jeans, nuzzling the nape of his neck.

“Oh…” he breathed, his body rather appreciating the gesture. He turned, Frank allowing him to do so this time, their noses bumping, a devilish grin across Frank’s lips that made his body hum.

He loved it when he squirmed beneath him. Loved his breath against his face. Loved the gentle scent of sweat and soap and something else that couldn’t be described.

“Gee?” he purred, pressing their foreheads together, grinding their hips hard.

“Hmm?” was all he could reply, flicking his hair into his face.

“Your eyes go dark when you’re horny, babe…” he grinned.

“Shut up and let me fuck you,” Gerard snapped.

“How about no?” he replied harshly, pressing his hands to his chest, shoving him harder against the wall.

Gerard became daring for a moment, running his hands down the back of Frank's jeans, squeezing his tight little - “Ow..”

Frank shoved his hands up above their heads, gripping his wrists gently but firmly. “Don’t you want me to fuck you, Gee? Don’t you want me to do you so hard and so deep you can’t figure out where I start and you begin? So you won’t be able to walk for days? Don’t you want me to turn your insides out, baby?”

Gerard hitched a breath, heart thumping mercilessly against his ribs, cock twitching and throbbing hard against the rough material of his jeans. “Yes…no…ohGodFrankie…” he said in a rush.

“Whore…” Frankie giggled, running his tongue along the other’s lips.

“Bitch,” Gerard hissed back, thoroughly uncomfortable about being controlled, even more uncomfortable at the way he found himself enjoying it.

“Let’s see shall we?” Frank giggled, moving his hands downward and quickly chucking both of their belts to the floor.


“I won’t let you fuck me, Frankie…” he pouted, though even as he spoke Frank was lining them up, both shaking, clothes disgarded around the bathroom.

“Why not?” he replied after a moment, nudging Gerard’s entrance with his tip, fingers trailing down his chest.

Gerard whimpered, tilting his head back and allowing his throat to be licked, his legs wrapped around Frankie’s waist. “Just...fucking…do me..” he panted.

“I thought I could change your mind,” he grinned, thrusting his hips hard.

Gerard let his eyes slip closed, biting on his lip to stop himself yelling. He’d never bottomed before, and it was bad enough that his first time was shoved against a wall by his vindictive band mate, let alone the fact he had no lube whatsoever.

But he still liked it. Despite the pain, despite the cold tile digging into his back, he loved the feeling of being so filled. And he loved the idea that it was Frankie doing it.

Frank buried his face in the crook of Gerard’s neck, not able to stop the moan buzzing through his throat as he slid inside of him, so hot and dark and wet and - “Fuck, Gee…” he groaned, muscle tightening around him.

Gerard slipped his hands down his own front, moving to grasp his erection, jumping slightly as Frank grabbed his hands, again pushing them above their heads, holding his wrists in the same manner as before.

Gerard groaned gently. He didn’t want this. He wanted to grip Frankie’s hips and touch his skin and grab that perfect fucking ass, but he couldn’t. He felt helpless and absolutely loved it. “Harder…Oh God… Frankie… Harder…” he moaned loudly, his voice echoing around the small bathroom.

Frank obliged, pulling out almost completely before pushing himself in, harder than before, Gerard arching up to meet his thrust. He watched as the man threw his head back, knowing he must of hit his prostate, “Oh fuck yes!”

“You’re a noisy bitch aren’t you, Gee?” he grinned, pressing a kiss to the underside of his jaw.

“Only for you baby...” he replied between heavy, panting breaths, meeting Frank’s thrusts each time, eager to feel more of those blinding fireworks he’d never experience before.

Frank just grinned, leaning down and kissing and sucking at Gerard’s neck, leaving his mark in the soft, pale flesh, trailing kisses up over his chin, eventually meeting his mouth, silencing those hungry little moans, pushing his tongue in to tangle with the other’s.

They kissed, hot, deep, angry kisses as Frank fucked Gerard through the wall, both being pushed further and further to the edge.

“I want to come with you…” Gerard whispered into the other man’s mouth, his words more of a plea than a statement. Frank nipped his lip in acknowledgement, releasing his wrists.

Gerard let out a hiss of breath he hadn’t even realised he’d been holding in, dropping his hands, only to have his lover push him away again. He closed his eyes and pressed his head against the wall in frustration, deciding that domineering Frank wasn’t fun anymore, changing his mind almost immediately as the guitarist’s nimble fingers grasped his cock.

“Oh…yes…” he groaned, low and slow as Frankie’s hand moved up and down in time with his impassioned thrusts.

“Oh…” Frank echoed, pressing his face into Gerard’s shoulder, thrusting one more time before coming hard with a cry of his lover’s name, emptying into him, stars flashing behind his eyes and body shaking violently with the pleasure rushing through his veins.

“Frankie!” Gerard cried, the sensation of the man coming inside of him sending him completely over the edge, come spilling over his hand and across both of their stomachs, riding it out as Frank kissed him gently.

They remained pressed against the wall, panting and spent, bodies heaving, even sweatier than they were before.

“Being a bitch isn’t that bad is it?” Frank finally said, a wicked little grin on his lips.

“I hate to say it, but I so fucking agree with you, you little bastard.”

fanfic:mcr, fanfic, fanfic:oneshot, fanfic:gerard/frank, fanfic:pwp

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