Happy Birthday, Frankie

Sep 05, 2006 19:02

Title: Happy Birthday, Frankie.
Pairing: Gerard/Frank.
Rating: NC-17.
Summary: Gerard forgets to get Frank a birthday present, having to make-do with what he's already got.
Genre: Smut.

The room was shrouded in dark, occasional flickers of light penetrating the heavy black, the screen infusing it with a navy blue. The sound had been clicked down to low, haunting music played out as a scantily clad blonde tiptoed through some abandoned warehouse.

Ray let out an evil cackle, spilling popcorn everywhere as a cloak-wearing psycho gutted her, the high-pitched sounds of his laughter and her screams vibrating through the air.

Mikey yelped, sitting bolt upright, his glasses askew on his face after being jolted back into the world of the living. “Fucking…ass…” he muttered, kicking Ray in the back before letting out a jaw-busting yawn.

The guitarist however was ignoring him, much more interested in another blonde who was beckoning him outside, dark glasses concealing his eyes. Ray just nodded, scrambling to his feet and shoving the bowl of popcorn in Gerard’s lap.

“We’re gonna go play trick or treat!” he grinned as he followed Bob out of the door.

Gerard just rolled his eyes, resting his head on Frank’s thigh sleepily from his position on the floor. “They make me hate Halloween.”

“What? But… Halloween rocks!” he replied, lifting his head from the cushion behind him.

“Name me one good thing about Halloween…” Gerard challenged, picking at the popcorn absently.

“Well, for one tiny little reason, it’s the frickin’ anniversary of the birth of the greatest guy in the world,” he grinned.

Gerard squeezed his eyes closed, mentally kicking himself. “Oh shit.”

“Forget again, Gee?” Mikey teased, snatching the popcorn bowl from his brother’s lap.

“Fuck off, four eyes.”

Frankie just chuckled, ruffling Gerard’s hair. “Don’t worry, I’m not missing anything, you’ve never gotten me a present. Why miss something I’ve never had?” he said childishly, lower lip trembling pathetically as he let out a loud series of fake sobs.

Gerard just shook his head, continuing to watch the film.

The credits rolled along to the same eerie music, the images of the blood splattered screen still well and truly imprinted on Frank’s mind. Awesome.

He remembered when he was a kid, and he and his Mom used to sit up until the early hours of the morning watching the horror movie marathons on some cable channel every year for his birthday. It was something he had kept up even when he left home - it was fun after all.

He opened his eyes, not even realising he’d closed them as he felt something brush along his leg. After the film he had just seen, this was not a good thing, the sensation almost making him squeal and curl up in a ball on the sofa.

But he didn’t - luckily - and instead ignored it, keeping his eyes fixed on the screen, reaching up and rubbing the back of his neck.

He jumped, the touch again slipping across his calf beneath the fabric of his jeans.

It was warm, gentle, almost a caress, but firm. It sent chills through his body.

He blinked, furrowing his brow for a moment. Normally he would’ve done something, reached down, checked, but he didn’t. He didn’t know why, but he just didn’t move. Mainly because he had Gerard sitting -

Oh. But.

It couldn’t be Gerard touching his leg could it? Maybe it was accidental, a slip as he moved for more popcorn. But there it was again, fingers trailing up, before he slipped his palm downwards.

Frank looked at his friend instinctively. He couldn’t quite see where his hands were from his angle, but he could see that his eyes were still fixed on the screen, a smirk on his lips.

He leant back, relaxing slightly, though his stomach was still tense, tilting his head to the side. He couldn’t explain it, what he was feeling inside of his chest. He didn’t know whether it was lack of sleep or a microwave popcorn high, all he knew was that the sensation was comforting, but the idea that it was Gerard excited him until he was on the edge of his nerves.

He reached down, running his fingers through the other’s hair absently, noticing that Gerard still had his head against his thigh.

Mikey stirred slightly beside him, yawning loudly. “Dammit… fuck this, I’m going to bed, sorry guys..” he muttered, dragging himself towards the bedroom. “’Night..”

“Sweet dreams, Mikes,” Gerard muttered, eyes still fixed on the television set.

Frank jumped, though not because of the film. He jumped as he felt Gerard’s hand slip from his calf and down to rest on the outside of his jeans, just below the inside of his knee.

He chewed on the inside of his mouth unconsciously, eyes fixed on the other’s hand, shivering as the touch lingered up towards his thigh.

Gerard turned to face him, a wicked grin across his lips, features highlighted hauntingly by the strange lighting. He shifted slightly, placing himself between Frank’s knees, hands splayed on his legs.

The smaller man hid a gasp as he began to trail his hands up his thighs. Gerard grabbed his belt loops, pulling him slightly so he slid down the sofa, before settling himself between his thighs.

He reached forward, cupping Frank’s chin gently. “If you don’t want this, tell me,” he whispered, his voice softly washing over him, finally reaching his stunned brain. He stayed silent pointedly, watching his friend’s eyes.

Gerard’s hands slid up his torso, the touch firmer than before, sending violent electric shivers right through Frank’s body. His hands came to rest on his shoulders before sliding down his arms, trailing down to lace their fingers.

Their hands remained linked as Gerard leant forward, placing a soft kiss to the corner - not quite daring - of his mouth. Frank allowed his eyes to close, leaning back as sweet kisses followed his jaw line to the soft skin of his neck.

He gulped as Gerard’s tongue danced down his throat, the wet heat of his mouth followed by the cool of his skin in its wake almost sending him crazy.

Frank tilted his head back further, providing more access as his former friend kissed the hollow of his throat, nipping lightly at his collarbone. He felt himself twitch, not quite able to cope fully with the sensations running through his body, his control slowly waning at the thought that Gerard was causing him to feel like this, to shiver, to harden.

Gerard leant further forward, burying his face in the crook of his neck, pressing himself between the other’s thighs, moving against his crotch and causing a whimper to escape Frank’s throat.

He just smiled at the sound, blushing coyly before shifting yet again, placing his hands on Frank’s shoulders and pulling himself up to straddle his lap, placing a knee either side of his hips on the sofa.

Frank couldn’t quite explain the need bubbling up from his very core as Gerard kissed down his temple, licking at the awfully sensitive spot below his ear. Except now every part of his body was blisteringly sensitive. His skin vibrating beneath his clothes, the room suddenly way too hot and his jeans too rough against his groin as Gerard ground into his lap.

“Oh…fuck…” he managed to gasp, tilting his head back involuntarily. His torturer took this opportunity to press a kiss to the underside of his jaw, hands again wandering over his hips, pressing beneath his shirt.

He groaned, longing for the feel of skin against skin, arching his back as Gerard’s hand ran over his chest, biting his lip so hard hew drew blood as he tugged his nipple lightly. He lifted his arms, allowing Gerard to pull his tee-shirt over his head, taking control for the briefest of moments as he cupped the other’s chin, pulling him forward, kissing his mouth softly.

He could taste his own blood as the older man returned the kiss. It was soft, gentle and firm, much like Gerard’s touch. He felt himself drowning in the wet heat of his mouth, sliding his hand round to rest on the nape of his neck, pulling him yet closer.

It was so damn chaste considering his was half naked, yet made his blood boil and his body hurt. He poured everything he had into that kiss. It was too far on for words, far too far on, so he told Gerard everything he needed to through that single kiss.

They pulled away, both panting and struggling for breath. The vocalist placed his hands on his chest, pushing him gently to lay across the couch, still straddling him as he leant down, bringing their lips back together as he ran his hands down to his stomach, resting against the waist band of his jeans.

Frank moaned softly into his mouth, tangling one hand in Gerard’s hair and trailing the other down, unbuttoning his shirt, slowly revealing creamy pale skin over lean torso. He couldn’t help but smile as Gerard purred slightly against him, pushing his shirt over his shoulders.

They both shifted slightly, Frank blushing as Gerard lay between his thighs, feeling a reassuring hardness against his own, gasping slightly at the contact.

The older Way continued to run kisses down his chest, Frank sliding his hands over his back, his skin soft and warm beneath his fingers. They stayed like this for a while, just tasting and kissing and touching each other, the room becoming unbearably hot for both of them.

Gerard pressed his forehead against the other’s, sweat glistening over their bodies, both shaking violently. He never thought he could be like this with someone for an hour and still have his jeans on.

Frank slid his hands downwards, unbuttoning and sliding down the zipper on Gerard’s pants as he brushed his lips softly over his temple, earning a groan from the other.

After both of their jeans were dropped over the side of the sofa with the rest of their clothes, Gerard holding himself up over Frank on shaky arms, brushing his sticky hair from his eyes as they just watched each other, breathing harsh in their throats.

Frank whimpered at the sensation of skin on skin, wrapping his arms around the other’s neck, tugging him down, their sweat slicked chests sliding against each other, placing his mouth to Gerard’s neck, sucking and biting softly, leaving his mark in the soft flesh.

He pulled away, his heart leaping at the look in the older man’s eyes. Need and want jumbled together, mixed with something else he couldn’t decipher. His body screamed for more, for Gerard to touch him, fill him, make him moan.

He wanted to cry out his name.

As if Gerard could read his thoughts, his hands slid down, pushing at the waistband of his boxers, tugging them slowly down over his hips. Frank’s lips parted, a whimper escaping his throat as both of their underwear was discarded, feeling Gerard’s breathy moan against his cheek as their erections were pressed together. Frank raised his knees slightly in silent pleading, their lips crashing in another fiery kiss, parting his lips and allowing Gerard’s tongue to push into his mouth, tasting every crevice, running softly against his own.

They pulled away, the taste of each still fresh on their lips, and Frank spoke the first words they had shared since this first began.

“I need you inside of me, Gee.”

His voice was soft and low, a mere whisper against the other’s lips as he ran his fingers up the nape of his neck and through his hair.

“I need to be inside of you.”

They moved slightly to make their next actions easier, Gerard’s hands steadying his hips as he pressed against his entrance, kissing him softly in an attempt to distract him. Frank squeezed his eyes shut, his breathing heavy, moaning low in his throat at the sensation of being filled so slowly, his heart leaping somewhere in his neck.

Gerard kept one hand on Frank’s hip, the other trailing up his side and over his shoulder to tangle in his hair, pressing his forehead against his as he struggled for breath, the heat surrounding him almost making him come.

They rocked softly against each other, their movements becoming more desperate and needy with every moan and string of cusses, sweat soaked bodies sliding against each other as the windows steamed up and groans of each other’s names filled the air.

Frank panted, fisting a handful of the cushion beside him. Gerard was inside him. Oh fuck.

The heat was almost tangible as they both shook, electric shivers running through their bodies, Gerard’s hand sliding down to fist Frank’s cock, pumping him in time with his thrusts, pressing his mouth to the other’s, kissing him with a passion as their muscles tensed and their bodies spasmed, Gerard coming hard into Frank just as Frank came heavily over his hand.

They lay there in each other’s arms for a few moments, still shaking from the aftershocks, covered in each other’s sweat and come. Gerard was the first to move, leaning up, sliding out of him and kissing him softly, sensually.

“Happy birthday, Frankie.”

Frank just smiled, nuzzling his cheek, “You have twenty-three birthdays to make up for.”
Gerard grinned mischievously, nipping his lip, “I think I could get to like Halloween…”

fanfic:mcr, fanfic, fanfic:oneshot, fanfic:gerard/frank, fanfic:pwp

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