Jun 16, 2006 13:32
so i just meditated on rachel's porch. it felt very nice and relaxing... something i really needed. something i should've started doing a long time ago. i cleaned up her basement and her front porch....and her back porch. trashed from last night, but not too bad. she's still sleeping. and it's such a nice day outside. i might just go home and make something to eat. and then shower and go to work. that seems like a good plan.
excited! the pillows show is coming up!! man, they were so good at acen 2 years ago... i can't wait to see them again! and my show coming up... i have to bust out my guitar and start practicing. it's been way too long.
so i got drunk last night. i've been avoiding it for quite some time now. but you know what? i was among friends and i felt comfortable. so i had a good time and all was well. but yea, i'm never drinking 5 redbulls in a row ever bracket b bracket AGAIN bracket backslash b bracket. her walls have holes in them from me bouncing off of them.
The end.