why do you tear my world apart....

Jul 26, 2005 19:18

soooo, new layout. look at it and tell me what you think and shit. :)

i got offered a job today. my parents know these people who own a restaraunt, and their looking for a couple new waitresses. so....they asked me if i wanted one of the spots. i was like "mmmmmmmoneyheckyeshiremenow" lol. she laughed. but i dont know if my parents are going to let me -_- scratch that, my DAD isnt going to let me. he thinks that with school starting again soon and shit, that i need to concentrate on my grades and blah blah blah. its like, hello dad. i just passed this year with a majority of A's in some of my hardest classes, and the rest were B's. besides, i have 2 1/2 hours in the afternoon, to do my homework and study before i would have to be at work. pshah. i could do it. i used to have to babysitt my nephew and his little minion friend for 3 hours in the afternoon after school was over, and do my homework. and make dinner. and clean. i think this would be semi-easy? besides, im tired of waiting for them to give me money. if i want, or need something, i want to be able to get it. and not wait around for them. its called independence dickheads. learn its definition or go back to 4th grade kthx.

yeah well whatever. im not letting it bother me because there are in fact more important things to be worried about right now then getting a job just yet. i have my whole life ahead of me to work. so im not in that much of a flippin hurry.

so matty was mad last night. and that made me mad. i dont know why. but it was like his emotions ran off on me, and that was frickin weird. i hope your all "fixed" now dear matty-poo. i hate seeing you upset. and i've seen it many times. its quite horrible. <3

weeeeeeee i love jess. :) she is my besssssssssssssstest buddy in the universe. :)
&& our babies are quite hot little beasts. :P hotronika + hotterjess = some damn fine offspring. LMFAO. iluhyou jessface :D

so today was good. i hung out with angelllllllllllllllllllllica. and shes so awesome. i saw charlie and the chocolate factory AGAIN. but it was ok. i can watch johnny depp for years. :) and i kept all my drool in my mouth this time, arent you so proud of my accomplishment? :D lol j/k. then we walked around waterford for a while. i got some more new stuff for school. im happy-ish.
tucker and amanda are taking me to warped tour :) so im very thrilled about this. i win.

and immmmmmmmm done. more important people are awaiting to be talked to.

much love
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