Jul 31, 2005 14:49
blah blah blah. i cant go to warped your. TOBYNUYNUYT98567897NVVYZIHATEMYDAD. kthx.
he's just "decided" he doesnt want me going. and i dont even get a good enough reason as to why not. whatever, i dont give a shit anyways. im going to spend the day at cypress gardens with alicia and jordan anyways. so blah. suck my ass and die daddy dearest.
i got woken up this morning to the smell of bacccccccccccon. i frickin love it when my mom makes bacon. and waffles. mmmmmchocolate chip wafffffles. <3 so yeah thats a wonderful way to start my morning. :)
then we were gonna go out to the florida mall and do some shopping for random reasons because its no tax i guess? idk. i dont read the paper or watch the news so idk these things. lol. so but yeah, i had just gotten out of the shower and she knocks on the door and tells me my grandma wants me to come over and clean her kitchen for her since she has other old people coming over to hang out for one reason or another. i felt bad thinking i was going to tell her we were busy, because she just got out of the hospital on tuesday from being in there because of some bacterial infection in her stomach. so i sighed and said i'd be right over. i got to drive there :) which was fun. so i cleaned for her, then did her dishes and made lunch for them because im cool like that. and then called mom to tell her i was on my way home so we could leave when i got there.
so, yeah we went shopping. i got some cool clothes. new earrings, new necklaces and a couple new anklets. i need a new pair of flip flops. i want to go to pacsun sometime this week to get them...if anyone wants to come with me, we'll hang out and maybe catch a movie or something. just let me know. :)
i love text messages now. thanks to jess :) yay for you jess my dear.
i hate IMs now. thanks to some people.
i hate when my mom gets on under my s/n for unknown reasons. maybe it helps her feel younger? i do not know.
and i hate my hair.