May 03, 2005 15:39
X xo sexy xo X: so have you met ilean youlick
UrAcrunckyNut: lmfao yeh she stoped at the bar again after you left
X xo sexy xo X: ileans a pretty nice gal
UrAcrunckyNut: yeh she has a tendancy to get a lil tipsy
X xo sexy xo X: that girl be trippin
UrAcrunckyNut: or what about that sexy guy that came in, you kno, the one with the silver hair;-)
X xo sexy xo X: i prefer the one with the big butt and big stumach, cuz u kno wut big butts and big stumachs means... oh baby!
X xo sexy xo X: lmfao
UrAcrunckyNut: i gotta pee im laughin to hard!
thats so mean, about the ilean things lmfao but it was just there!
UrAcrunckyNut: >:o use your power for good! go win a contest or something! your so evil lmfao! i want some
UrAcrunckyNut:you should see them when you walk by, ***** almost splurged in his pants when you and kim were washin the windows on the door, and i think that old man wanted a kiss too!
more crazy times at work:
-crazy man that barly speaks english comes in asking for 75 cents, and looks like hes about to attack me so joe jumps from behind the bar with his toughness and scares him away lmao!
-me n jilly-bean put salt in cathys soup and she spits it everywhere and runs the the bathroom and almost falls in the process.. lol
-they put crap in my water and i almost made a fool of myself infront of a customer lol. that was clever
-chris trips over his own tray
-me n chrystina..umm well thats confidential
-ilean youlick! ...nice women right? thats sooo mean!!!
-jilly-bean getting over hyper from her large in take of salt on accident
-getting hid on by middle aged man and hoeing the hell outta one cuz he wanted a kiss.. wut do i look like? surly not a regular
^^that was for you lmao! love youuuuuuu booobooo haha #5
---today hangin out with niki, who knows wut trouble we can find ourselfs in..yesss