Hey all. Home for the weekend and while searching for recent Pokepurchases I came across something in my closet (as cats explored).
Be trippin' bawls!
One of my bags of marbles. I'm positive I have more elsewhere, but this is the Eevee set.
That balloon is over ten years old O.o
I got the tin from a garage sale, otherwise I have no idea where it's from.
The coaster was from a 7th grade class where we burned images onto stuff.
This thing is heavy!! What's inside...
URK...Avatar, Maplestory, Inuyasha, and some movie cards?
This is a cool looking Pikachu...
Rare cards (that were in those tins)
Collectors edition strategy guide with...
A holo card thing
Now for that closet!
What the heck...
Oh! It's a Play-Doh kit
These are all loose items at the bottom of the tub...mostly figures
Some old play sets. I got them from a garage sale so they aren't in great shape.
Old R/S/E tins filled with figures. That Weezing is a water toy and I like squeezing it xD the small black tin is a candy case for Pokeball shaped sweets (Yes, they're still in there. Ew...)
Two GBC cases (I have a black one too) and Groudon/Kyogre disc shooters. That Pokeball kit is for buildable figures
Missing pieces are in that tub
A far from complete set...(I didn't even get Banette D:)
That's all I can find. I FOR SURE have a box just for plush. Those will be found another day....
Thanks for looking!
I missed some stuff!!!
My GBC edition! Got it from a friend so there's some scratches.
And a framed Umbreon EX. On my wall. With the booster it came in. Could you tell what my favorite Pokemon growing up was?
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