More about me...

May 11, 2006 21:10

I thought, seeing the idea on a few other journals, that you don't want to be practically bombarded with information about me on my profile page, so I have put it nicely here in this post. By reading this post you shall learn probably more than you'll ever need to know about me, but it's 10 past 9, on a Friday night, I'm sat in the house, and I'm bored yes, expect rambling.

My Appearance: I have brown, almost mid back length hair and blue eyes (my only half decent body feature I think!), with pale skin. I am quite tall for my age and what I like to call somewhat 'curvy'... I'm not overly fat (gosh I hate that word with a passion) but yes, I would not consider myself a 'healthy' weight, despite the fact I eat healthier than many, many people I know. I don't have that much confidence in my appearance, and I like wearing what is comfortable to me. Most of the time I do not care whether or not you like my clothes, or the style in which I dress, because I like it...and that's good enough for me at least!

My Personality: For the most part I am very understanding and polite. I like having a laugh with my friends and family and I am very sarcastic I have been told. So if you don't appreciated sarcasm all that much, I'll try to keep it to a low, but I'm afraid it just comes naturally to me now. Sorry about that! I don't try to cram my views and opinions down other peoples' throats, but I do enjoy discussions about recent issues in the news for example. I'm more of a shy person but I'm very easy going and laid back, and the only time I get stressed is due to pressure from school work...or people bugging me constantly...or both. It's nice to be nice, so I try to be nice and friendly, but I often find it hard to strike up conversations at first with people I have only just met but that's who I am. I am what is known oh-so-affectionately as a 'swot', which irritates me to no end because those ignorant people who call me that have no idea of who I am outside of school. I doubt half of them even know my full name or if I have a sibling for example. I don't like to be judged based on prejudice or stereotypes, but I'm not naive enough to think that it does not work that way. Life works that way... it's human nature that we judge people within the first three seconds of meeting them.

My Obsessions: Music, films, books and my computer are my nerdy or sad as that sounds. I frequently become a tad obsessed with films, such as Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, High School Musical and Pirates of the Caribbean to name but a few. I also love the BBC's 2006 adaptation of Robin Hood, as Robin/Marian are my one true pairing as of Saturday 7th October 2006. I did not memorise the date, just so you know, but checked on Wikipedia, because I used that site a lot I can tell you! Back to the obsessions. I like reading, but I am sorry that I cannot find more time for old-fashioned reading as I like to call it which is a nice book and a cup of coffee or hot chocolate to drink while I turn the pages and immerse myself in it. I like a wide range of books, films and music you will learn if you get to know me. My music ranges from the likes of Avril Lavigne and Kelly Clarkson to the Kaiser Chiefs and Green Day, to list them all really would take a long time so I shall not bother for now. My film tastes range from High School Musical and Ella Enchanted to Lord of the Rings and Eragon. As far as books are concerned, I will read anything from the Princess Diaries and Series of Unfortunate Events to Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings, though the later I still find hard to carry on reading as I arrive at the "Council of Elrond" scene and the long ex-positional dialogue I know is upcoming.

My Beliefs: I might as well start by admitting that I am agnostic, which does not mean by any amount that I do not have a religion but simply that I am undecided. I can see points for and against why it is possible there is such thing as God, but no matter what conclusion I eventually come to, I will still respect, as I do now, other peoples' beliefs and religions. I actually find religion quite interesting, and how debates can be started between even different denominations of the same religion, even though they believe in the same roots. I am surrounded by people in school of different religions. My best friend is a Muslim, my other friend is a Christian, and most of my other friends are either Church of England or agnostic like myself. I don't completely believe as of yet, but until I realise what I feel inside, I will be agnostic. It's as simple as that.

My Hobbies: My hobbies, which I may have mentioned slightly in 'My Obsessions', include reading fiction, writing fan fiction and random drabble (I even like writing essays for school, as odd as it may sound!), making graphics particularly icons and blends, talking to friends, listening to music and obsessing over my favourite couples/pairings in films and on TV! Also I enjoy art, and drawing a lot, even if I do not have complete confidence that I am the A* student my art teacher seems to think I am!

And that is about all I can think to write about myself at the moment. However if you have any other questions that you're 'dying' to know the answers too then ask away! ^_^

More to come...probably. =]

about me, blah

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